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Factors Influencing Tourist Ridership of Taipei MRT
作者 賴宗裕張軒瑄陳芊灼
全球觀光客已將台灣視為消費平價的觀光地點,而台北市是一個相對發展良好且充滿國際化的都市,並有較完整的大眾運輸系統。本研究希望從需求面的觀點來探討影響外籍旅客使用台北捷運之考量因素分析,藉由對於曾經搭乘過台北捷運之外籍旅客進行封閉式的問卷調查,以了解外籍旅客在選擇大眾交通運輸工具的考量因素,並進一步利用因素分析找出關鍵影響因素。本研究於2006年8-9月期間,分別以中、英、日文問卷調查312位國際觀光客,研究結果發現大多數在旅程中有使用台北捷運系統的來台國際旅客多為30歲以下、單身、具有大學以上之學歷、多來自亞太地區;搭乘理由主要以要到達旅遊景點為主,但仍有不少的外籍旅客則是因為想要體驗台北捷運而搭乘;平均搭程次數為11次。因素分析得到五個影響因素構面,分別為整體性、服務性、資訊性、形象性與區位性因素;而影響外籍旅客搭乘台北捷運的影響因素,會因為其人口特性與旅遊行為的不同而有統計上顯著的差異性存在;根據羅吉斯特迴歸模式則可推論,外籍旅客會選擇以台北捷運作為其在台北旅遊最主要的交通工具之機率,會受到四個變數影響,包括旅客對於「形象性」、「區位性」因素的重視程度、搭乘滿意度與旅客的國籍。 Taiwan is regarded as an affordable tourist destination. Of all cities in Taiwan, Taipei is fully internationalized with a completed metro public transit system. This study investigates the international tourist decisions to take the Taipei MRT. A closed-ended survey was conducted to collect information about tourist preferences of transportation modes. Three hundred and twelve tourists travelling inbound participated in the survey in three different languages (Chinese, English, and Japanese) between August and September of 2006. The results of the study indicated that the majority of surveyed tourists who used the Taipei MRT were under 30 years old, single, had a college degree, and came from Asia Pacific region. Most of the tourists took the MRT to tourist destinations. Many simply wanted to experience the Taipei transit system. The average frequency of taking the Taipei MRT per tourist was 11 times. Factor analysis showed that connectivity, services, information, image, and location were the major considerations for riding the MRT. The result also indicated significant differences in demographic characteristics and traveling behaviors. The LOGIT model suggested that the probability of choosing the Taipei MRT as the main transportation for tourists is influenced by: the Taipei MRT image, importance of location, satisfaction towards the MRT, and nationalities.
起訖頁 153-186
關鍵詞 觀光交通運具台北捷運外籍旅客Tourism Transportation ModeTaipei MRTInbound Tourist
刊名 台灣土地研究  
期數 200905 (12:1期)
出版單位 國立台北大學不動產與城鄉環境學系;國立政治大學地政學系
該期刊-上一篇 從公民治理的觀點論台灣參與式社區規劃之課題與展望




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