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Households’ Behavior and Housing Adjustment Strategies—An Empirical Analysis of Homeowning Households in Taiwan
作者 曾喜鵬薛立敏
當家戶對其現有住宅不滿意時,通常會以遷移換屋或就現宅改善的方式來加以調整,但也可能因為調整的成本大於效益,而暫時忍耐不採取行動,國內相關研究尚未對此一議題進行深入探討。基此,本研究即從住宅消費失衡與居住不滿意的觀點,建構一個解釋家戶住宅消費調整策略選擇的概念性模型,其中詳細說明了家戶調整住宅消費行為產生的原因,及其在遷移換屋、現宅改善與不調整三種策略間的選擇行為。在實證研究上,本研究利用主計處民國84年「人口及居住調查」之原始資料,以台灣地區的擁屋家戶為對象,分別利用主成份分析、迴歸分析及多項Logit模型來進行實證研究。主要研究發現如下:(1)當家戶對居住之便利性或安全衛生與美觀等鄰里環境之不滿意度增加時,較傾向以「遷移換屋」的方式來調整住宅消費,但因「現宅改善」無法改變鄰里環特徵,因此選擇「不調整」的可能性也較「現宅改善」高;(2)當家戶對住宅內部品質之不滿意度增加時,選擇「現宅改善」之可能性較「遷移換屋」或「不調整」來得高;(3)居住在都市化程度較高地區、戶長所得較高以及現有住宅類型屬於公寓大廈或連棟雙拼者,選擇「遷移換屋」的可能性較高。 In this paper, a conceptual framework was constructed for explaining the relationship among housing consumption disequilibrium, dissatisfaction and adjustment strategies. We hypothesize that households’ decisions on housing adjustment strategies will be influenced by dissatisfactions on housing characteristics and resources possessed by households. The “1995 Population and Housing Survey” was utilized to test the hypothesis, using the principal component analysis, regression analysis and multinomial logit model. The main findings are as follows: First, if households are dissatisfied with the neighborhood services, they are more likely to move than to demand for improvement. Second, if households are dissatisfied with the internal environment of the current dwelling unit, they are more likely to choose to improve the unit than to move or do nothing. Third, households who live in highly urbanized areas, apartment housing units and have higher income are more likely to move than to improve their dwellings.
起訖頁 105-125
關鍵詞 居住不滿意遷移換屋現宅改善Residential DissatisfactionMovingHome Improvement
刊名 台灣土地研究  
期數 200811 (11:2期)
出版單位 國立台北大學不動產與城鄉環境學系;國立政治大學地政學系
該期刊-上一篇 地域連攜規劃模式之設計與應用--臺灣東部區域之實例分析
該期刊-下一篇 尋租行為與土地使用分區管制——財產權觀點之分析




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