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The Practice of a Multi-cultural Nation in the Preservation of Architectural Heritage
作者 許育典李惠圓
我國憲法增修條文第10條第11項明文規定:「國家肯定多元文化。」這個規定的目的,就是在於透過憲法的規範,宣示建構多元文化國的憲法保障基礎,並賦予國家保護不同或多樣文化差異的義務。這樣的義務體現在文化政策與相關法令的規範上。而在地方多元文化的呈現上,最能夠凝聚地方居民共同意識,進而自我認同、達到人的自我實現,又以地方的建築文化資產為代表。建築文化資產呈現地方文化的特色,承載地方居民的共同記憶,正是建構多元文化的基礎所在。然而,台灣的建築文化資產在一元化文化政策的推行以及經濟利益的衝擊下,遭受極大的破壞與保存的困境。因此本文以憲法上多元文化國的建構理念出發,來檢視台灣目前的文化政策與建築文化資產保存上的問題,並提出在文化國理念下建築文化資產保存政策的建構,以營造建築文化資產永續保存的優質環境。 According to the Constitution of the Republic of China, article 10, item 11, “The nation affirms multi-culture.” This constitutional provision obligates the government to protect cultural diversity. This obligation is realized in cultural policies and the related regulations. Locally it is the architecture heritage that best display this cultural diversity; it is where common consciousness is consolidated, self-identification formed, and selfrealization achieved. Local architectural heritage displays the characteristics of the local culture and carries the common memories of local people about the past. It is indeed the foundation of multi-culture. But under the influence of the unitary cultural policies and economic considerations, the Taiwanese architectural heritage has not been carefully preserved. This article examines the current cultural policies and preservation problems in Taiwan, taking the vision of a multi-cultural nation as expressed in the constitution as the starting point. It also discusses the preservation policies for architectural heritage.
起訖頁 75-96
關鍵詞 多元文化國文化政策建築文化資產multi-cultural nationcultural policyarchitectural heritage
刊名 台灣土地研究  
期數 200611 (9:2期)
出版單位 國立台北大學不動產與城鄉環境學系;國立政治大學地政學系
該期刊-上一篇 Google Maps/Earth與Urmap API於不動產資料庫的應用研究




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