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The Influence of Land Mixed-Use on Trip Generation in Taipei City
作者 林楨家蕭博正
本研究之目的在實證分析土地混合使用對旅次發生的影響,以台北市187個交通分區為分析樣本,使用稅捐稽徵處與交通局分別提供的土地使用與旅運需求資料,模式自變數包含控制變數與土地混合使用變數,後者包括混合種類數、混合內容以及混合強度等三方面特性,應變數為旅次發生數。利用多元迴歸分析校估影響關係,並進行各項假設檢定,以獲得最佳線性不偏估計式。實證研究結果發現:過度的混合使用會產生旅次積累效應而增加旅次量,居住─就業以及零售業-就業的混合方式將能減少旅次發生數,住宅區內允許零售業的混合使用將令旅次發生數增加,上述影響會因為不同旅次目的而有顯著的差異。最後,根據所確認之影響效果研提可行且具體的台北市都市發展策略,以達到減少旅運需求之目標。 This study investigates influences of mixed land use on trip generation. The samples are from 187 traffic zones of Taipei City, based on the data of land utilization and travel demand offered by the Revenue Service of Taipei City and Bureau of Transportation of Taipei City, respectively. The independent variables include control variables and mixed land use variables. The latter includes the different kinds of mixture, the content of mixture, and the intensity of mixture. The dependent variable is trip generation. The paper evaluates the influences using Multiple Regression Models and concludes that: (1) excessive mixed land use increases trip generation; (2) mixing housing and employment land uses and retail and employment land uses decreases trip generation; (3) the allowance of retail activities in the residential zone increases trip generation; and (4) the influences of mixed land use on trip generation differ significantly differ for varied trip purposes. Finally, feasible and concrete strategies for Taipei City development according to the estimated influences are recommended to decrease trip generation.
起訖頁 89-114
關鍵詞 土地混合使用旅次發生迴歸分析land mixed-usetrip generationregression analysis
刊名 台灣土地研究  
期數 200605 (9:1期)
出版單位 國立台北大學不動產與城鄉環境學系;國立政治大學地政學系
該期刊-上一篇 台北都會區不同住宅類型價差之研究




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