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The Determinants of Homeownership Rates Across Different Cities and Counties
作者 彭建文王佳于
國內住宅自有率在2000年住宅普查時高達82.2%,相較1990年的8.%、1980年的2.%明顯增加,且不同縣市間有相當明顯的差異。以往文獻大多認為住宅自有率主要受到房價與家戶所得的影響,且多將兩變數分別置入模型中,本研究認為房價與家戶所得為相對的概念,故採房價所得比來反映家戶的客觀購屋能力。實證結果雖證實房價所得比對於住宅自有率有顯著負向影響,但亦發現遷徙率的高低才是影響住宅自有率最重要的變數,甚至老年人口比率、有偶率等變數的影響力亦高於房價所得比,顯示社會屬性變數是左右不同縣市住宅自有率的主因,此結果大致可解釋為何都市化程度較高的縣市其住宅自有率較低,而農業為主縣市的住宅自有率反而較高的現象。 In 2000, Taiwan’s homeownership rate was 82.2 percent, which has increased significantly during the last two decades, and there have been great differences among cities and counties. Most studies used housing prices and household income as two most important determinants of homeownership rate and ignored the effect of other demographic variables. Empirical results revealed that housing prices to household income ratio had a significant negative effect on homeownership rate, but its relative influence was much less than the mobility rate, senior citizen ratio, and married rate. It implied that the subjective will of homebuyers is more important than their objective ability to select tenure choice. This result explains why more urbanized cities have lower homeownership rates, but agricultural-based counties have much higher homeownership rates.
起訖頁 1-20
關鍵詞 住宅自有率住宅市場租買選擇Homeownership rateHousing marketTenure choice
刊名 台灣土地研究  
期數 200511 (8:2期)
出版單位 國立台北大學不動產與城鄉環境學系;國立政治大學地政學系
該期刊-下一篇 不同類型遷移者之住宅區位與權屬選擇的實證估計--以台北都會區遷入者為例




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