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How do Landowners and Tenants Respond to a Remote Land Takings?
作者 林子欽張正
探討土地徵收補償時如果僅考慮補償數額,無異是一種靜態的思考模式而忽略了徵收的動態過程。台灣土地徵收補償的數額長期低於市價,也存在公共設施保留地對財產權長期限制的問題。在這樣的背景因素下,土地徵收所牽涉的權利關係人除了消極地等待補償,也將積極地設法減低財產的損失。對於省道台一線經高雄縣路竹鄉路段(中山路)道路拓寬工程的實證研究發現,在缺乏減低權利關係人財產損失的政策設計下,他們將透過市場形式(如購買鄰地、提早搬遷)或政治過程(如集體陳情)以求降低財產的損失。 Consideration of only compensation amount while discussing land takings ignores its dynamic process. Compensation amount for takings in Taiwan has long been substantially lower than the market value. What is more, the value of properties to be taken is often impaired due to the protracted period of waiting for takings. In consequence, people with interests in land to be taken have an incentive of finding ways to reduce their loss of property value. A case study of road-widening project in Lu-Ju township supports the above arguments. In the face of land takings in an uncertain future, a significant number of landowners and tenants have purchased contiguous land parcels for house extension at a later date, have moved out before takings occur and also have held a series of political petitions. All these actions are taken in an attempt to reduce their loss of property values.
起訖頁 1-18
關鍵詞 土地徵收地主行為理論財產權保障Land TakingsLandowners’ BehaviorProtection of Property Rights
刊名 台灣土地研究  
期數 200405 (7:1期)
出版單位 國立台北大學不動產與城鄉環境學系;國立政治大學地政學系
該期刊-下一篇 土地利用與景觀眺望權之探討——以日月潭國家風景區為例




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