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Adjustments to Ownership on Individual Sites prior to Land Development -A Case Study of Land Readjustment Area
作者 林子欽許明芳
土地取得經常耗費極大成本,不僅時間冗長也牽涉到許多不同的參與者,然而大部分研究都假設不存在土地供給的問題。一系列有關土地價格的研究卻發現,隨著土地面積增加,土地價格將先以遞增的速率增加,之後再以遞減的速率增加。上述的地價變化隱含土地供給過程中經常存在土地分割及合併的現象,這種產權調整過程對於土地開發具有重要的意涵。有關台南市台南新市區重劃區的實證研究發現,若干建設公司以地主的身分參與重劃以取得適合開發的土地,而且在重劃完成初期已經開發的土地與尚未開發的土地間存有顯著的差異。整體而言,已經開發的土地面積大於尚未開發的土地,且此差異隨著大面積土地的開發而逐漸減小。此外,已經開發的土地地主人數少於尚未開發的土地,但是並未具有統計上的顯著關係。綜言之,建設公司依循著土地面積大、地主人數少的原則選取開發土地,以求降低土地取得的成本。 Land supply has been given little attention while land market is the issue under examination. In most cases, land is assumed to be automatically supplied once the market price is paid to its owners. Observation proves the opposite; supply of land for urban development is often difficult, particularly in fragmented land markets in a country such as Taiwan. It is believed that developers will prefer sites of a simple ownership in order to reduce costs of land development. This paper sets out to investigate the changes to size and number of owners over sites before land being developed in a land readjustment area. Empirical evidence suggests that sites of a larger size with fewer owners on them will be developed sooner than smaller sites with several co-owners, although these findings are not wholly statistically proven.
起訖頁 1-16
關鍵詞 土地開發土地市場市地重劃land developmentland marketland readjustment
刊名 台灣土地研究  
期數 200311 (6:2期)
出版單位 國立台北大學不動產與城鄉環境學系;國立政治大學地政學系
該期刊-下一篇 常態化差異植生指數應用於都市綠地品質管制之探討




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