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The External Impact of Specific Land Use on the Neighboring Housing-the 5th Land Readjustment Area Case Study in Tainan City
作者 李泳龍黃宗誠
特種營業因大眾娛樂方面之需求而存在,然部份非法特種營業場所,往往隱匿賭博與色情,故一般民眾對於特種營業的觀感,普遍將其歸類為「鄰避性」或「嫌惡性」設施,此等設施在鄰近地區生活環境品質、治安狀況及住宅財產價值等方面並無正面助益,甚有負面的侵害,導致居民排斥特種行業,而不願與其相毗鄰。近年來「台南市第五期重劃區」特種營業經營型態,逐漸成為該區域發展特性,酒店、視聽歌唱與舞廳業之集聚設立,或許為其自身帶來規模性經濟利益,惟其外部的非經濟效益成本,除直接轉嫁由社會承擔接受外,就鄰近區域的住戶而言,亦將無可避免的受到住宅使用上的嚴重衝擊。基於上述原因,故本研究以「台南市第五期重劃區」特種營業集聚的八個街廓,周邊五百公尺範圍內的居民為對象,進行結構性問卷調查,期能深入探討特種營業對於附近居民住宅環境所帶來的各種負面影響,並採數量化因素分析方法,萃取居民反映意見內涵之重要因素,進行比對歸納。經由實證分析結果發現,特種營業設立導致居民初始之住宅選擇計畫遭受事後性的破壞,形成居民原來選定的住宅環境受到衝擊,此部份值得作為政府部門在擬定未來相關政策時之參考。 The specific land use for amusement is required for people. But some illegal for gambling and erotic use are also disguised. We take these uses as some NIMBY effects and find there exist the negative impact on living environment and property value. The place, the 5th land readjustment area in Tainan City, was development with many nightclubs dancing and red-light area. The operation had caused the community some externality. This study introduced a questionnaire survey in this place and tries to find out the possible effects caused by this kind of disamenity. Using factor analysis we conclude that these specific uses interrupted the initial housing selection and did some negative effects. Meanwhile it is very important for the policy implication in the zoning ordinance.
起訖頁 81-100
關鍵詞 特種營業八大行業環境衝擊嫌惡設施specific land usered-light districtenvironment impact
刊名 台灣土地研究  
期數 200205 (4期)
出版單位 國立台北大學不動產與城鄉環境學系;國立政治大學地政學系
該期刊-上一篇 房屋仲介從業人員對不動產經紀人證照考試看法之探討
該期刊-下一篇 知識設施空間分佈對台灣製造業創新成效之影響




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