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An Examination of the Relationships between Taiwan and China Cities' Land Development System and Competitiveness
作者 金家禾
提升城市競爭力之議題於全球化趨勢下漸受重視,土地開發供應各種都市活動所需用地及空間,故其有可能與城市競爭力間具有密切之關係,甚至是影響競爭力之重要因素,然而土地開發受開發體制之影響與限制,所以城市競爭力與土地開發體制間亦可能具有密切之關係,本文透過對土地開發過程相關制度因素之分析,並對具有跨越海峽兩岸不同制度不同城市土地開發經驗之土地開發業者進行訪談調查,以分析及檢視土地開發與提升城市競爭力間互動之關係,結論為土地開發體制確實影響競爭力之提升,土地開發成效並可作為評定城市競爭力之一項指標。為提升競爭力,城市政府有必要認真地分析與檢討其土地開發體制,並對影響土地開發效率之因素(或障礙根源),加以調整改善,以促使土地開發之有效進行。 How to promote a city's competitiveness has become an important issue under the pressure of globalization. As the space needed by various social and economic activities is mainly relied on developers' investment decisions in land development projects, the ability to sustain a city's attractiveness to land developments may demonstrate its competitiveness. Further, the activities or operations of land development within a city are influenced and constrained by the city's institutional configurations. Thus, there may have a strong connection between a city's competitiveness and its institutional elements in property development. This paper examines this possible connection by analyzing and comparing relative institutional elements in the development process in different localities. These elements include: the pattern of property ownership; planning or land use management regulations; the city government's interventions in the property market; and the networks of local property development industry. The comparison is undertaking by a survey of land developers, who have various land developmental experiments in different cities between Taiwan and China where the institutional environments for land development are quite different. The study concludes that a city's institutional configurations in land development are essential elements for promoting its competitiveness, and its attractiveness to land developments can be used as an indicator for its competitiveness. Furthermore, in order to enlarge its competitiveness, there is a need for a city government to examine honestly its land development institutions. Through this effort, the obstacles that constrain the operations of land development can be found out. Further endeavors are required in modifying these institutional deficiencies in order to promote the efficiency of land development and the quality of development outcomes.
起訖頁 73-100
關鍵詞 土地開發競爭力土地開發制度Land DevelopmentCompetitivenessLand Development Institutions
刊名 台灣土地研究  
期數 200105 (2期)
出版單位 國立台北大學不動產與城鄉環境學系;國立政治大學地政學系
該期刊-上一篇 限制發展地區土地利用受限補償課題之研究
該期刊-下一篇 以民眾觀點探討環境影響評估制度




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