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Biological Effects of Environment Hormones–A Global Concern
作者 林峰右吳育甄許晉榮葉信利
「環境荷爾蒙」是流佈在於環境的人造化學混合物,藉由空氣、水、土壤、食物或其他途徑進入生物體,模仿並干擾生物體內分泌荷爾蒙正常運作,阻害動物的生殖機能。這些化學物質經由生物累積效應,最後會危害到人類本身。台灣在經濟起飛後,化學合成工業大規模擴增,尤其是石化塑膠工業大量製造下延伸出嚴重的垃圾問題。由於壬基酚(Nonylphenol)與壬基酚聚乙氧基醇(Nonylphenol polyethylene glycol ether)具有干擾內分泌系統特性,在環境中不易分解並有生物循環蓄積作用,符合「毒性化學物質管理法」第一類毒性化學物質特性,因此環保署正式依「毒性化學物質管理法」公告列管,自2008年1月1日起全面禁止使用於製造家用清潔劑。如何防止環境荷爾蒙的污染加劇,唯有透過國際間的交流掌握最新資訊,加強毒化物源頭之稽查管理,配合分析研究技術提昇,才能有效精確掌握水生生物及水質環境中的含量,並經由宣導教育大眾,減少使用化學污染物,才能真正達成防止危害繼續擴大,讓地球維持自然的法則。 Environment hormones are artificial chemicals widely distributed in the environment. The chemicals enter into organisms through air, water, soil and food etc. They not only imitate and disturb the function of natural hormones, but also retrain the animals’ reproduction. Through the biological accumulation, the chemical substances eventually harm the human beings. In Taiwan, after the economic rising and flourishing, the chemical synthesis industries produced a lot of petrochemical plastics which resulted serious pollution problems in the environment. In addition, some of them were currently proved as environmental hormones. For example, nonylphenol and nonylphenol polyethylene glycol ether played the roles as hormones which could affect organisms’ physiological functions. They can long lastingly accumulate through biological cycle and difficultly decompose in the environment. They both met the characteristics of first toxic chemical substances formulated in 'Toxic Chemical Substances Control Act', and are listed to be controlled and comprehensively forbidden in manufacturing house detergent by Environment Protection Administration (EPA) since January 1, 2008. To prevent the aggravation of environment hormone, it is necessary to carry out: Collecting the most recent information by international exchange; strengthening the examination and management of poisoning source; Improving the analytical technology. We also need to guide and educate people reducing the use of chemical pollutants to eventually keep a clean earth.
起訖頁 1-12
關鍵詞 環境荷爾蒙壬基酚Environment hormonesNonylphenol
刊名 海大漁推  
期數 201111 (40期)
出版單位 國立臺灣海洋大學
該期刊-下一篇 利用藻類生產生質能源




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