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Investigate Audit Fee Disclosure Degree Effect Factor In TSEC & OTC Listed Traditional Companies
作者 黃娟娟 (Juan-Juan Huang)姜庭耀徐鳳儀
從2009年前除了達到某特定條件才需要揭露其審計公費資訊,上市櫃公司可以選擇是否要揭露審計公費資訊。但是2009年起金管會對於我國審計公費揭露有重大的變革,除了規範上市櫃公司達特定條件者,須揭露審計公費金額資訊外,其他上市櫃公司必須選擇級距或金額之揭露方式。為了探究從過去至今的改革帶來的影響,本研究更深入了解何種因素對審計公費揭露金額或級距兩種揭露程度造成影響。本研究研究期間分成兩段進行探討,從2005年至2008年及2009年至2012年,因審計公費揭露程度亦屬於資訊揭露一環,故將過去影響資訊揭露之因素歸納彙整後,探究其關聯與影響。經本研究實證後發現,影響我國審計公費揭露方式主要影響因素,未強制揭露前,公司內部構面以獨立董事席次比率(INDBR)、負債比率(LEV)為影響因素,亦即獨立董事席次比例越高及負債比例越高,公司越傾向揭露審計公費。公司外部構面包括公司風險(RISK)、是否為四大會計師事務查核(BIG_N)與資訊揭露評鑑等級(DS)等影響因素,亦即高風險及當年度獲得較高評鑑等級的公司,越傾向揭露審計公費資訊,然而為四大會計師務所查核之公司反而選擇較低程度方式揭露審計公費。2009年強制揭露後,公司內部構面增加影響因素為股權結構指標(SI)及董事會規模(BOSIZE),代表證券主管機關重視公司治理機制後,上市櫃公司在資訊揭露政策上的一大進步。公司外部構面除了公司風險因素變的不明顯外,其餘是否為四大會計師事務查核(BIG_N)與資訊揭露評鑑等級(DS)等影響因素,與未強制揭露時相同,代表強制揭露審計公費及揭露形式與公司風險無關。 The requirements of Audit fees disclosure have significant changes in Taiwan from 2009. Before 2009, listed companies can choose whether to disclose the audit fee information. However, listed companies are required to disclose the audit fee information under certain specific conditions from 2009. For those not required to disclose the exact amount need to disclose the range of their audit fee. To explore the effect of the regulatory change, this research aims to discuss the factors influencing two different disclosure methods, the exact amount and the range. The results show that the internal factors affecting the audit fee disclosure method before 2009 include independent director ratio (INDBR) and leverage rate (LEV).It proves that companies with higher independent ratio and leverage ratio prefer to disclose audit fee. Company risk (RISK), whether the four CPA audit (BIG_N) and information disclosure accreditation level (DS) are three external factors affecting the audit fee disclosure. After 2009, structural indicators equity (SI) and board size (BDSIZE) are internal factors affecting the audit fee disclosure method. It shows that after the authority pay attention to the corporate governance, the listed companies improve their disclosure policies. The external factors affecting the audit fee disclosure after 2009 are similar to factors before 2009.
起訖頁 49-86
關鍵詞 審計公費揭露程度資訊揭露資訊透明度公司治理Audit Fee Disclosure DegreeInformation DisclosureInformation transparencycorporate governance
刊名 會計與公司治理  
期數 201512 (10:1期)
出版單位 財團法人逢甲會計教育基金會
該期刊-上一篇 非營利組織治理機制與財務操縱之關連--以私立高中職為例




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