中文摘要 |
This study aim at examining the threshold effect between research and development(R&D) expenditures and company performance at different firm’s operating cash flow. Thesample selects the electronic listed firms in Taiwan from 2001 to 2007. Empirical modeluses the panel threshold autoregressive model by Hansen (1999). Our results show thatthere is significantly asymmetric non-linear relationship between R&D and operatingperformance. In other words, R&D present a positive significantly effects on firm’s profitwhile operating cash flow is high than the specific threshold value. Additionally, R&D isfound to be negative and statistically significant relationship if operating cash flow issmaller than the threshold value. It, therefore, it will erode company profitability whenfirm’s manager raise R&D expenditures for increasing the profit in short term.Consequently, our overall results suggest that manager need to incorporate the level ofoperating cash flow into the R&D active to advancing firm value. |