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The Influence of Order Effect and Graphic Distortion on the Judgment of Management Performance: Using the Balanced Scorecard as an Example
作者 張允文張菁萍廖述東
平衡計分卡近年來不論是在實務界或學術界均受到相當地重視,然而,過去研究卻發現使用平衡計分卡的過程中,存有共同性衡量指標判斷偏誤(Lipeand Salterio 2000;Banker et al. 2004;Libby et al. 2004)。本研究除了依循此一研究脈絡外,也探討圖形扭曲與順序效應對進行績效評估時,是否會有判斷偏誤的發生。採用實驗設計法,對會計研究所學生、EMBA學生與從事金融保險相關產業人士,總共360位受測者進行實驗,研究結果發現:(1)圖形扭曲對於受測者在財務指標績效評估之判斷,具有放大的效果;(2)以圖形呈現方式的資訊,會增加受測者發生時近效應之機率;(3)在圖形扭曲與不扭曲的情境下,受測者產生共同性衡量指標判斷偏誤的原因,可能是受到時近效應的影響所造成。 The issue of balanced scorecard has been received attention in practice and academyfor recent years. However, past studies found that judgment of subjects have commonmeasures bias when they use the balanced scorecard (Lipe and Salterio 2000;Banker et al.2004;Libby et al. 2004). This study adopts graphic distortion and order effect to examinewhether subjects’ judgment have the same common measures bias. The subjects of thisstudy include the graduate school of accounting students, EMBA students and relatedfinancial insurance managers. Results of this study are including: (1) In graphic distortion’sexperiments of financial measures evaluations, subjects have magnified effect. (2)Subjects’ judgment has order effect when using graphic to present the information ofmanagement performance. (3) Under the condition of graphic distortion and non-distortion,the reason of subjects to evoke common measures bias maybe results from order effect.
起訖頁 81-112
關鍵詞 平衡計分卡圖形扭曲順序效應共同性衡量指標偏誤Balanced ScorecardGraphic distortionOrder effectCommon measures bias
刊名 會計與公司治理  
期數 200806 (5:1期)
出版單位 財團法人逢甲會計教育基金會
該期刊-上一篇 獨立董監事對公司績效與盈餘品質之影響--控制股東之調節效果




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