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The Relationship between Non-performing Loans and Ownership Structure and Characters of Listed Financial Institutions in Taiwan
作者 呂麒麟洪嘉聲范麗雪 (Li-Hsueh Fan)陳淑貞 (Shu Chen Chen)
台灣上市金融機構,近年來因為金融市場開放,新銀行紛紛成立,造成金融業競爭日益劇烈。同時受到金融機構放款行為的不嚴謹,使得金融機構逾期放款問題嚴重。有些文獻指出所有權結構會影響到公司策略的選擇,進而對公司治理造成影響。故本文希望以所有權結構及公司特性的角度,分析金融機構所有權結構、銀行特性與逾放比率之關係。本研究發現,金融機構所有權結構基本上並無法對逾放比產生影響,此結果支持Demsetz and Lehn(1985)、Gadhoum(1999)與Oum et al.(2003)的看法,認為所有權結構並不具有公司治理的效果。而在公司特性方面,負債比率、每股盈餘、公司規模等均與逾期放比率有顯著的關係。另外,本研究也發現舊銀行中的小銀行存在有較大的逾期放款的管理問題。 Due to the liberalization of financial market in Taiwan, the competition betweenbanks is worsening and the non-performing rate is raising. Some researches pointed outthat the governance and strategies of a company will be affected by the structure ofownership. So from the view of governance of a company, this research studies therelation between the non-performing rate and the structure of ownership of banks. Thefind-out is consistent with the result of Demsetz and Lehn(1985)、Gadhoum(1999)andOum et al. (2003) that the structure of ownership of banks have little affect onnon-performing rate. The significant variables are EPS, the scale of banks and the ratioof debt to capital.
起訖頁 61-74
關鍵詞 所有權結構公司治理逾放比率the structure of ownershipgovernance of companynon-performing rate
刊名 會計與公司治理  
期數 200506 (2:1期)
出版單位 財團法人逢甲會計教育基金會
該期刊-上一篇 影響上市公司網站資訊透明度因子之實證




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