中文摘要 |
This paper combines asymmetry information and signaling models to show, underdifferent bankruptcy costs, the conditions of pooling equilibrium for successful andfailed firms that choose the same depreciation method but lead to different operatingresults. We also shows the conditions of separating equilibrium, for which successfulfirms choose different depreciation method to that of failed firms. To confirm whetherthe empirical results are consistent with the theory, the paper sampled initial publicoffering (IPO) companies to examine the factors that influence the choice of accountingmethods (using depreciation methods as the example). Furthermore, the paper separateaccrual items into discretionary current, non-discretionary current, discretionarylong-term and non-discretionary long-term accrual items to analyze the relationshipbetween these variables and the choice of accounting methods.The results of analytical models are: (1) When investors perceive that successfulfirms choose earnings increasing method (straight-line deprecation method) whereasfailed firms choose earnings decreasing method (accelerate deprecation method), theyare able to obtain the conditions of hybrid equilibrium. (2) When investors perceivesuccessful firms will choose accelerate method, whereas failed firms choosestraight-line method, they can obtain the conditions of separate equilibrium. Moreover,the empirical results show: (1) The companies that have higher debt-to-equity ratiobefore IPO tend to adopt earnings increasing method to gain the trust of the investor. (2)The companies that have higher assets returns in the year and two years after IPO tendnot to adopt earnings increasing method. (3) Because there are many ways to havesuccessful IPO, the impact of using depreciation methods to manipulate earnings isminimal. It reduces their motive of utilizing accrual items adjustment to affectdepreciation method. (4) The non-discretionary current and long-term accrual items inthe second year of IPO are significantly positively related to abnormal returns. |