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Chinese Multilateralism in the AIIB
作者 顧賓
亞洲基礎設施投資銀行(“亞投行”)是第一個由中國發起創辦的多邊開發銀行。亞投行的成功在於堅持多邊主義。亞投行體現的中國特色多邊主義不同於根植於布雷頓森林體系的美式多邊主義,後者強化了美國在世界經濟領域的霸權地位。亞投行的定位與現有多邊開發金融體系互為補充。中國主張的多邊主義有利於解決全球治理赤字,彌補發展中國家在全球治理中代表性不足。亞投行倡議符合中國國內改革需求,也順應了中國積極參與全球治理變革的需要。亞投行踐行多邊主義,不僅落實在《亞投行協定》,也充分體現在環境與社會標準中。 Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank (AIIB) is the first multilateral development bank (MOB) initiated by China. The Bank's success so far is essentially attributed to its adherence to multilateralism. The multilateralism enshrined in the AIIB, boasting Chinese characteristics, is in contrast to the American multilateralism, which is embedded in the Bretton Woods system, and has secured America's hegemony. The AIIB vis-à-vis traditional MDBs is mutually complementary, rather than contradicting each other. The Chinese multilateralism works to reduce deficit in global governance, by means of enabling developing countries to have a bigger say. The AIIB benefits the development of Chinese domestic reforms; meanwhile, it reflects China's ambition to reform global governance. The AIIB implements multilateralism in its rules, policies and procedures, including the Articles of Agreement and the Environmental and Social Framework.
起訖頁 87-101
關鍵詞 亞投行多邊主義世界秩序公司治理標準AIIBMultilateralismWorld OrderCorporate GovernanceStandards
刊名 国际经济法学刊  
期數 201804 (24:2期)
出版單位 廈門大學國際經濟法研究所
該期刊-上一篇 論亞洲基礎設施投資銀行環境與社會保障政策的實施與完善──一個比較分析的視角
該期刊-下一篇 新型全球金融治理理念的建構與創新研究




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