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A Study of the Effectiveness of the Use of Rubrics Learning Evaluation Model in Promoting the Connection between Academic and Employment with the Example of the Course “Expression and Analysis of Advertising”
作者 何智文
高等教育評鑑中心在評鑑標準的設計上已結合全面品質管理的計畫、執行、檢核與行動的架構,而三期評鑑「畢業生就業情形與雇主滿意度調查」的學用合一教學成效將成為未來系所評鑑的重點。本研究透過一、「Rubrics的師生共同討論評量項目」,使教師、業師與學生共同調整評分量尺的:1.評鑑準則、2.評分策略、3.品質定義等要素。由於業師掌握當前職場的趨勢和雇主要求重點,所以能客觀有效的協助學生調整學職涯規劃下的學習目標和學理與運用上的配分設計;本研究同時透過二、「Rubrics評量的學生自評與同儕互評」,即時協助學生理解自身學習上的進度與缺失,並釐清未來重學理或偏運用的發展方向;最後本研究運用三、「Rubrics期中教師評量回饋」,安排業師到課堂講座和參與評分策略的商定,使選擇就業導向的學生提前體驗職場雇主滿意度的品管效標要求,而將其廣告影片的製作提昇至職場的視野。本研究透過Rubrics評量的運用,縮小了「廣告表達分析」課程原本祗重理論分析的學用上落差。 The evaluation criteria of the Higher Education Evaluation Centre have been designed to combine PDCA’s overall quality management: Plan, Do, Check and Action. And the focus of the third-phase evaluation will be on the connection between education and employment in terms of “Employment rates of graduates and employer satisfaction rating.” Through the use of “Rubrics 1, teacher-student common evaluation items,” this study allows teachers, masters, and students to adjust the three elements of evaluation guides, evaluation strategies, and quality definitions. Since masters are in control of job trends and the employer needs, they can effectively adjust the proportion of each category such as learning objectives, theories and practices. Through the use of “Rubrics 2, student self-evaluation and peer evaluation,” this study also helps students to understand the progress and problems in their learning and clarify whether they should gravitate toward theories or practices. Finally, through the use of “Rubrics 3, mid-term teacher evaluation feedback,” this study allows masters to participate in the discussion of classroom lectures and evaluation strategies, helping students who choose job-oriented programs to experience in advance the requirement regarding employer satisfaction, and raise the their commercial production to a professional level. By doing so, this study shortens the gap between education and employment in the course of “Expression and Analysis of Advertising.”
起訖頁 1-29
關鍵詞 PDCA品質定義評分策略評鑑準則評分量尺PDCADefinitions as descriptorsRating scaleCriteriaRubrics
刊名 大學教學實務與研究學刊  
期數 201612 (1:1期)
出版單位 國立清華大學
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