中文摘要 |
婆婆納屬植物為玄參科的一個屬,台灣已記載有10種。本研究報導最近發現歸化於台灣中部地區的睫毛婆婆納(Veronica hederifolia L)。此植物為具有潛在危害的農田雜草,本文提供其分類特徵描述、分布及彩色照片以資辨識。
There were ten species of the genus Veronica (Scrophulariaceae) that had been recorded from Taiwan. In our recent plant inventory surveys, we found Veronica hederifoblia L., a newly naturalized species as a potentially aggressive weed in the central Taiwan. This paper provides the description with photographs for its identification and a note on its distribution. |