中文摘要 |
武陵地區溪流是目前櫻花痕吻鮭(Oncorhynchus masou formosanus)重要的棲息環境,但目前數量稀少且瀕臨絕種。石附生藻類為溪流生態系內主要基礎生產者,本研究目的在探討溪流內石附生藻之豐度及群集變化。利用MDS空間排序分析,發現武陵地區溪流石附生藻類有顯著之季節性差異,其中春、冬季的豐度顯著多於夏季及秋季。藻類組成以矽藻為主,占藻種數量80%以上,優勢種以羽紋矽藻目之曲殼藻屬(Achnanthes)為主。藻類豐度以有勝溪最多,且七家灣溪、高山溪、桃山北溪及有勝溪之藻種群集有顯著不同。利用BIOENV分析,發現矽酸鹽及流速為影響藻類群集季節變化之主要因子,而水溫、pH值、導電度、無機氮鹽及矽酸鹽為影響藻類空間差異之主要因子。
The landlocked Formosan salmon (Oncorhynchus masou formosanus) is an endangered species, thatoccurs only in the upper Tachia River of the Wulin area of Taiwan. As epilithic periphyta are the mainprimary producers of the river, this study was intended to determine their biomass and speciescomposition, using the non-matric multi-dimensional scaling (MDS) analysis. The results showed that there were significant seasonal differences in algal biomass: higher in spring and winter than in summerand fall. Diatoms were the most abundant species, contributing over 80% of the total number of theperiphyta collected. Most of them belonged to pennatae, of which the genus Achnanthes was the mostabundant at all sites. Values of chlorophyll-a were significantly higher in the Yeaushen Creek than othercreeks. Algal communities also varied among the creeks. The results of BIOENV analyses suggested thatwater temperature, SiO2 and current velocity were the major factors causing the seasonal variation of theperiphyton community in the creeks of the Wulin area, while water temperature, pH, conductivity, DINand SiO2 were the causes for the spatial variation. |