中文摘要 |
本研究調查台中市大坑蝴蝶生態教育區之蝶相,提供日後蝶類研究、經營管理及賞蝶活動之參考。在2004年1月至12月間,每月1次於晴天9時至11時間以穿越線調查法記錄蝴蝶之種類及數量。研究期間完成12次有效調查,共記錄5科、106種、1,091隻次蝴蝶,其中台灣鳳蝶Papiliothaiwanus Rothschild及埔里三線蝶Neptis taiwana Fruhstorfer為台灣特有種。各科之種類數以蛺蝶科的46種最多;記錄隻次亦以蛺蝶科的330隻次最多。各月份以6、7、8月所記錄之種類數最多,分別為55、51、52種,而以2月份的13種最少;記錄隻次以6月份的145隻次最多,1月份的37隻次最少;Shannon-Wiener多樣性指數以6月份的3.8最高,2月份的2.1最低。蜜源植物含人為栽植及自生者共記錄12科24種,其中以馬鞭草科有6種最多。大坑蝴蝶生態教育區位於植被豐富的頭嵙山區,未來宜妥善規劃並進行棲地經營,使其在遊憩、教育之外亦能發揮蝴蝶資源保育之功能。
Butterflies were identified and counted monthly along 12 transects at the Dakeng ButterflyEducation Area, Taichung, Taiwan, January to December 2004. A total of five families, 106 species, and1,091 individuals were recorded. Of them there were two endemic species, Papilio thaiwanus Rothschildand Neptis taiwana Fruhstorfer. Nymphalidae was the most dominant family with 46 species and 330individuals recorded. The summer months of June to August had the highest number in species,respectively, with 55, 51, 52 species observed, while the winter month of February had the lowestnumber of 13 species. The peak abundance was in the month of June with 145 individual butterfliesrecorded, while the month of January was at the ebb of only 37 individuals. Species diversity measured with the Shannon-Wiener index was the highest at 3.8 in June and the lowest at 2.1 in February. Therewere 24 species in 12 families of nectar plants, for which Verbenaceae was most dominant with sixspecies. The Dakeng Butterfly Education Area was located in Toukoshan in the City of Taichung, andcovered with natural vegetations. If a proper habitat management of the area would be implemented, itwould be useful not only for the educational purpose, but also for butterfly conservation. |