中文摘要 |
過去研究顯示,台灣野外發現的外來鳥種,60%以上為鳥店販賣的種類,且野外種與販售種的重疊比例以梅花雀科最高。因此,本研究於2004年2月至9月調查台灣梅花雀科在北、中、南部公開販售的狀況,探討其與野外發現紀錄的關聯性。結果顯示,所調查146家寵物鳥店中,有130家鳥店販售梅花雀科鳥種,且93.3%(28/30)梅花雀科種類為外來種,而販售的種數不因地區(北、中、南部)而有差異。針對販售數量最多的前5名鳥種,依次為爪哇雀(Padda oryzivora)、十姐妹(Lonchura domestica)、斑胸草雀(Taeniopygia guttata)、七彩文鳥(Chloebia gouldiae)及錦靜(Poephila acuticauda),和1994-2003年間有野外紀錄的11種梅花雀,分別為栗腹文鳥(Lonchuraatricapilla)、白頭文鳥(Lonchura maja)、印度銀嘴文鳥(Lonchura malabarica)、十姐妹、爪哇雀、橙頰梅花雀(Estrilda melpoda)、橫斑梅花雀(Estrilda astrild)、紅梅花雀(Amandava amandava)、斑胸草雀、橙腹紅梅花雀(Amandava subflava)及黑腰梅花雀(Estrilda troglodytes)共13種做資料比對分析,發現3種梅花雀(爪哇雀、橙腹紅梅花雀及紅梅花雀),其販賣與區域有顯著的相關性;再根據鳥會等公開的通報紀錄,發現可以成功在野外繁殖並建立穩定族群的為白頭文鳥、印度銀嘴文鳥,此兩種鳥並非販賣數量最多的前5名。販賣數量最多的前5名鳥種中,僅有爪哇雀在野外有持續的紀錄,其他4名鳥種近五年的野外紀錄則僅2筆(十姐妹)或無紀錄(斑胸草雀、七彩文鳥及錦靜),推測這些野外紀錄稀少而高販賣數的鳥種,可能因對台灣的野外環境適應不佳,因此即使有機會逃逸至野外,亦因存活率低而少被發現。
It has been previously shown that over 60% of exotic species of birds in Taiwan were originatedfrom house pets. Most of them belonged to the families Sturnidae, Estrildidae, Cacatuidae andPsittacidae, of which estrildid finches were most common for sales in pet stores. The objectives of thisstudy were (1) to investigate the current sale status of estrildid finches in pet stores in the northern,central, and the southern regions of Taiwan, February to September 2004, (2) to review field records ofthese bird species, and (3) to determine the relationship between the sales and the records. There were 28exotic species of the estrildid finches sold in 130 petstores out of 146 investigated. The five mostcommon species were the Java sparrow (Padda oryzivora), the Bengalese finch (Lonchura domestica),the zebra finch (Taeniopygia guttata), the Gouldian finch (Chloebia gouldiae), and the long-tailed finch(Poephila acuticauda). Based on the field records, there were 11 exotic species of estrildid finches thathad been found in the wild. They were the Java sparrow, Bengalese finch, red avadavat (Amandavaamandava), white-headed munia (Lonchura maja), white-throated munia (Lonchura malabarica),chestnut munia (Lonchura atricapilla), orange-cheeked waxbill (Estrilda melpoda), zebra waxbill(Amandava subflava), zebra finch (Taeniopygia guttata), common waxbill (Estrilda astrild), and blackrumpedwaxbill (Estrilda troglodytes). Numbers of the Java sparrow, the zebra waxbill, and the redavadavat sold in the pet stores were significantly related with the regions of Taiwan. For the five mostcommonly species sold, the Java sparrow was the only species that have been recorded in the wild everyyear, suggesting that it has established a natural population in the wild. For the other four species, therewere only two field records of the Bengalese finch, and no record for the zebra finch, Gouldian finch, andlong-tailed finch from 1999 to 2003. Apparently, natural environments of Taiwan are not suitable forthese four species of exotic estrildid finches commonly sold in the pet stores to propagate in the wild. |