中文摘要 |
以同一對圈養台灣黑熊(Ursus thibetanus formosanus)於2002-2004年繁殖季節配對並以全天候錄影其行為模式,觀察記錄動情周期(estrous cycle)的各種行為差異,以區分動情周期不同的發情階段。結果初步可依熊隻的行為模式區分為動情前期(proestrus)、發情期(estrus)和動情後期(metestrus)等三個階段,每階段為期各約一週,一個動情周期共約三週。動情前期的主要行為是雄熊主動追求雌熊,而雌熊多不予理會,是為求愛期;發情期的行為其雌雄之間互動頻繁,並發生駕乘的交配行為,是為交配期,持續約4-7天;在動情後期,雌熊多跟隨在雄熊身後,但雄熊缺性慾而多不予理會雌熊,是為乏反應期。比較動情前期、發情期與動情後期之間的各種行為的差異性,平均所占的時間比例,休息、活動及刻板症行為在動情周期之間並無顯著差異,但雌雄熊的互動行為在動情前期、發情期與動情後期之間,則有極顯著差異(p<0.001)。交配的發生多在清晨或傍晚,而以清晨5-10時居多;每次交配時間0.2-26.6 min 不等。發情期之糞中雌二醇(estradiol)和助孕素(progesterone)比動情前期及動情後期有較高現象,且較高濃度之助孕素對雌二醇的協同作用可能是引起雌熊接受駕乘的主要原因。
A pair of the Formosan black bears (Ursus thibetanus formosanus) in captivity was housed togetherduring the breeding seasons of 2002-2004, and their breeding behavior associated with estrous cycle wascontinuously recorded with a video recorder. The estrous cycle lasted three weeks for each season, and behavior of the bears changed with three phases of the cycle: the proestrus, the estrus, and the metestrus.Each phase lasted about a week. During the proestrus the male actively pursued (interacted with) thefemale but was ignored. During the estrus both male and female interacted frequently and mating(mounting and copulation) occurred frequently for four to seven days. During the metestrus the femalestill followed the male, but the male showed less interest on the female and no mating behavior occurred.The percentages of time periods of resting, of activity and of stereotypical behavior among the threephases were not significantly different, but the interactive behavior differed significantly among thephases (Kruskal-Wallis test h=16.557, p<0.001). The copulation usually took place in early morning andevening, and lasted from 0.2 to 26.6 min. The fecal estradiol and progesterone concentrations in theestrus were higher those in the proestrus and metestrus. Probably it was a main reason that higherprogesterone and estradiol concentrations, and their synergistic effect brought about the female bear toadmit for mounting. |