中文摘要 |
本文報導台灣產舖地蜈蚣屬(薔薇科)一新紀錄種—細尖栒子(Cotoneaster apiculatus Rehd. et Wils.)。本種與平枝舖地蜈蚣及高山栒子較為相似,但本種為直立性落葉灌木,高可達2m;而後二者為匍匐性灌木,高0.5m以下,甚易區別。本種目前發現於南投縣與花蓮縣交界之合歡山區及高雄縣南橫公路關山地區,海拔2,300-3,200m,族群數量不多。
This paper describes Cotoneaster apiculatus Rehd. et Wils. as a new record to the flora of Taiwan. Itis an erect, deciduous shrub with the maximum height of 2m, differing from its congeneric native speciesCotoneaster subadpressus Yü and Cotoneaster horizontalis Dence., which are climbers of less than 0.5min height. The previously known distribution range of C. apiculatus was in southwestern China. InTaiwan it was found at Mt. Hohuan between Nantou and Hualien prefectures, and in the Kuanshan areaof Kaoshong prefecture, at elevations between 2,300m and 3,200m. |