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繡眼畫眉(Alcippe morrisonia Swinhoe)在非繁殖季的夜棲行為
Roosting Behavior of the Grey-Cheeked Fulvetta Alcippe morrisonia Swinhoe in the Non-breeding Season
作者 林瑞興 (Ruey-Shing Lin)周蓮香 (Lien-Siang Chou)林曜松 (Yao-Sung Lin)
Grey-cheeked fulvetta (Alcippe morrisonia) is a small dominant passerine bird in broad-leavedhardwood forests in Taiwan. During the non-breeding season of July 1994 and March 1995, we made 39observations of fulvettas roosting at 18 perch sites in the Fushan Experimental Forest. Each site waslocated in the dense canopy of a single tree. Of them, 14 perch sites (77.8%) had two birds clumpingtogether. One site was used for eight consecutive nights by the same two birds identified by their colorband. The pair formation in night roosting may occur for both juveniles and adults. 繡眼畫眉(Alcippe morrisonia)為台灣常綠闊葉林中在數量上相當占優勢的小型燕雀目留鳥。本研究自1994年7月至1995年3月,繡眼畫眉的非生殖季節,於福山試驗林中的18個棲位,共記錄到39次繡眼畫眉的夜棲行為。夜棲棲位都位於濃密的樹冠中,且未曾於一棵樹上同時發現兩個棲位。18個夜間棲位中有14個(77.8%)為2隻個體緊靠在一起。更有2隻連續8晚利用同一夜間棲位,因其繫有色環被證實為相同的個體。這種夜棲行為的配對現象可能同時發生在第一年鳥與成鳥。
起訖頁 27-32
關鍵詞 繡眼畫眉夜棲行為grey-cheeked fulvettaAlcippe morrisoniaroosting behavior
刊名 特有生物研究  
期數 200301 (5:1期)
出版單位 農委會特有生物研究保育中心
該期刊-上一篇 台灣長鬃山羊族群具有顯著遺傳變異之兩個分群
該期刊-下一篇 三種褐孔小牛肝菌新紀錄種




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