中文摘要 |
本報告主要的目的在檢視圈養的雲豹(Neofelis nebulosa)在臺灣的現況,包括確實的數量和所在,飼主的飼養動機、所提供的食物和圈養環境,雲豹常見的疾病、年齡、性別和生殖生理參數(reproductive parameters)。相較於1987-1989年間因「野生動物保育法」施行而登記的12位飼主、32隻圈養雲豹,此調查結果顯示在臺灣尚存有16隻(12雌4雄),分別屬於臺北市立動物園和5位私人飼育者;數字上顯示前後短少了16隻雲豹,但發現有以未登記的子代取代已死亡之親代,推測實際短少的數目多於此數。除了臺北市立動物園的1隻雌豹有血統書外,其他雲豹的來源均不詳。11隻私人飼育的雲豹年齡介於5-12歲間,其中有1雌1雄來自野外,6隻是圈養雲豹的第二代,3隻不明。根據私人飼育者的觀察,所記錄的雲豹發情期長短不一,介於6-21天之間,而且每次發情時間長短與年頻度(介於1-5次)有呈反比的趨勢;成熟年齡最早是12個月大,最晚是72個月大,一般認為雄豹比雌豹晚熟,而且與個體的健康狀況有關;懷孕期介於60-101天之間;其中至少有2對雲豹曾有生殖紀錄:一對產下現仍存活的3雌1雄,另一對產下的3隻仔豹數日後即夭折,最高的胎數是3隻。圈養雲豹年齡最長的紀錄是動物園的16歲雌豹和私人飼養的22歲。綜合飼育者的飼養動機可概分為「個人興趣」、「家庭背景」、「商業利益」和「公眾教育」。以「公眾教育」為前提的臺北市立動物園是飼育者中最專業,提供較專業的醫療照顧及給予較多樣化的食物,其他飼育者對於雲豹的照顧和關切則因前三項的飼養動機而依序遞減。私人飼育者往往忽略疾病和傳染病的控制和預防,僅有一位飼主每年給予雲豹注射貓科疫苗。潮濕、通風不良、缺乏趣味性和隱密性是私人飼養場所共同的缺點。最後作者提出圈養雲豹和飼育者在圈養和管理上面臨的問題,並探討可能的原因和影響。
A demographic survey of captive clouded leopards (Neofelis nebulosa) in Taiwan wasconducted in July 1998 to March 1999 and September 1999 to May 2000. Keepers wereinterviewed with questionnaire on rearing motivation, disease prevention, parasite control,captive environments, food, sex, age, and reproductive parameters. A total of 17 cloudedleopards were found; 12 were kept by six private keepers and five by the Taipei City Zoo.During the survey periods, a male died, and two females that died earlier were found to bereplaced by their daughter cats. These made the total number of clouded leopards remained to16 individuals (four males and 12 females), 16 less than the number of 32 as reported to theTaiwan Provincial Government in 1987-1988, when the Wildlife Conservation Law wasenacted. For the 11 individuals (three males and eight females) kept by the private keepers, theages ranged between five years and 12 years. Two individuals were known to be wild-born, sixwere the second generation in captivity, and three did not have the information on their origins.All of them showed the signs of estrous with the period from six to 21 days, and the frequencyfrom once to five times a year. It tended to show that one with less estrous frequency had longerestrous period. Two pairs bred; one pair yielded four cubs (one male and three females), and theother had three mortal cubs. The ages of maturation were 12 to 72 months, and males becamemature about one year later than females. The gestation periods ranged between 60 to 101 days.The litter sizes varied from one to four cubs. The maximum longevity recorded was 17 yearsfor a female in the zoo and 22 years for another female kept by a private keeper. The rearingmotivations of the keepers were personal interest, family background, commercial interest, orpublic education. The zoo provided better medical care and more variety of food to the animalsthan the private keepers. The degrees of the care by the private keepers were related to theirmotivations: the highest for those with private interest, and the worst for those with commercialinterest. They generally ignored disease prevention and parasite control. An exception was akeeper who vaccinated the animals annually. The rearing environments were often humid, poorin air circulation, and lack of richness and secrecy. The problems and management of thecaptive clouded leopards in Taiwan were discussed. |