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Rewriting “War of Resistance”: Shangguan Ding and His Shadows of Spies in Hengyang City
作者 張璇
新世紀台灣長篇小說書寫,在轉型正義的過程中,具有重探與重建台灣歷史的特色,這使得2015年出版的抗戰小說《雁城諜影》,在台灣文學場域顯得非常「不合時宜」。針對此「特殊」現象,本文指出,若將新世紀以來的兩岸關係納入考慮,那麼,這其實是另一種「因時制宜」。一九六O年代的武「俠作家上官鼎,重返抗戰江湖,藉由1944年衡陽保衛戰的書寫,重構國共合作圖象,並且通過1997年香港回歸的書寫,想像未來的新國共關係。本文職是認為《雁城諜影》所帶來的當代意義有三:一在白色恐怖時期武俠小說與抗戰小說的重探;二是國共關係的變動與台灣小說生產的對勘;三則藉此帶來對大眾文學與歷史小說的重省。 The novel writing in Taiwan in the 21st century has the characteristics of reappraising and reconstructing Taiwan's history in the process of transitional justice. Against this background, the War-of-Resistance novel “Shadows of Spies in Hengyang City published in 2015 appears “inopportune” in the literary field of contemporary Taiwan literature. In response to the anomalous phenomenon, this paper argues that if the cross-strait relations have been taken into account, then this is actually very “opportune.” Debuted in the 1960s, Shangguan Ding, a writer of wuxia fiction, revisits the history of the Second Sino-Japanese War. In the novel “Shadows of Spies in Hengyang City”, he reconstructs the image of the alliance between the Kuomintang and the Communist Party of China through his rewriting the Battle of Hengyang in 1944, and envisions the Kuomintang-Communist relations in the future through his portraying the handover of Hong Kong in 1997. This paper indicates three aspects of the contemporary significance of Shadows of Spies in Hengyang City: first, it re-examines the wuxia and War-of-Resistance novel as literary genres during the White Terror; second, it measures the changes of Kuomintang-Communist relations against the novel writing in Taiwan; and third, it brings a new reflection on popular literature and historical novels.
起訖頁 295-322
關鍵詞 武俠小說抗戰小說上官鼎郭郎王藍Martial Arts FictionWar NovelShangguan DingZou LangWang Lan
刊名 台灣文學研究學報  
期數 201810 (27期)
出版單位 國家臺灣文學館籌備處
該期刊-上一篇 後南都映象——論蘇偉貞《租書店的女兒》中的台南書寫




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