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“Cattle Cart” in Manchukuo: A Study of the First Translation of the Lu Heruo's Literary Work and Dalian Literary Circles (1935-1936)
作者 劉恆典
本文探討呂赫若〈牛車〉一文創作,和該文本在滿洲國翻譯、傳播和造成的影響。在前者方面,目前學界對〈牛車〉的探討,集中在辨析作品中所反映的殖民現代性,並就此判定作者對殖民政策的態度。本文持論以為,日本殖民政權所推動的現代性確實存在巨大問題,但不可否認對群眾亦有其誘惑力。〈牛車〉作者對群眾生活現實有深刻體會,並且理解殖民地社會存在的矛盾。因此,他深知只有凝器群眾共同生活的情感,才是對抗殖民現代性的有效方式。在後者方面,一般〈牛車〉於上世紀三0年代傳播的討論,集中在胡風翻譯。但事實證明,最早注意並翻譯〈牛車〉的是仲公撰,並發表於大連《滿洲報》的副刊「北風」。本文比較前述的兩個翻譯版本,並針對〈牛車〉刊登前後大連文壇討論的文學議題及作品進行分析。首先指出仲氏翻譯的內容文字,相較於胡風版本,較能反映呂赫若原作所企圖表達的概念與想法。其次,根據相關後續的發展來看,呂赫若〈牛車〉的翻譯出版對大連文壇顯然有相當影響,特別是在後續鄉土文藝理念的發生與提倡方面。 This paper explores Lu Heruo's(EM ) literary work of “Cattle Cart,”(41) and the translation, dissemination, as well as influence of this text in Manchukuo. As far as the former is concerned, the discussion of the “Cattle Cart” in the present academia focused on the analysis of the colonial modernity reflected in the work, and Lu's attitude toward the Japanese colonial policy. This paper argues that colonial modernity promoted by the Japanese colonial government did have enormous problems, but it cannot be denied that modernity was also attractive to the masses in Taiwan. Lu Heruo had a deep grasp of the livelihood of the masses and understood the contradictions in the colonized Taiwanese society. He therefore knew that only the integration of the common emotions of the masses was an effective way to resist the modernity of Japanese colonialism. For the latter, the discussion on the dissemination of “Cattle Cart” in the 1930s generally focused on Hu Feng's( 8) translation. However, it turns out that Zhong Gongzhuan(IFA ) was the first person to translate the “Cattle Cart” and published his translation work in the Beifeng. () a literary supplement of Manchu Newspaperi #). This paper compares the two previous editions, and analyzes the literary debates and works published in the literary circles of Dalian before and after the publication of “Cattle Cart”. From the perspective of the content and text, firstly, we believes that Zhong's translation, comparing with Hu Feng's version, can more effectively reflect the concepts and ideas expressed in Lu's work. Secondly, according to relevant and de velopments, the translation and publication of “Cattle Cart” in Manchukuo obviously had a considerable influence on the Dalian's literary circles, especially in the ideas of generation and promotion of follow-up native-soil literature.
起訖頁 39-82
關鍵詞 呂赫若牛車翻譯滿洲國殖民現代性Lu Heruo“Cattle Cart”ManchukuoTranslationColonial Modernity
刊名 台灣文學研究學報  
期數 201810 (27期)
出版單位 國家臺灣文學館籌備處
該期刊-上一篇 台灣總督府日本漢文人的滿韓行旅及其東亞觀(1895-1910)
該期刊-下一篇 從文士到作家--日治時期在台日人現代文學的初期發展




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