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Heaven Shines on Communist Lands—Political-Religious Viewpoint and Temporality in the Works of Chen Yingzhen
作者 王珺瓅
陳映真以其「左派」政治立場和大中國民族主義者身份,在台灣歷史中常以反對者的樣貌出現,同時,他一生都是虔信的基督徒。追求終結審判、漠視此世的基督教教義,無神論的馬克思主義和民族利益至上的大中國民族主義,在陳映真的作品和個體生命中卻達成了邏輯自洽。本論文以精神史的視角,結合陳映真不同創作分期的文本展開細讀,以神學語境和歷史哲學語境中「彌賽亞」的概念,分析互有本質衝突的三種意識形態如何在陳映真的精神歷程和現實實踐中被糅合、揚棄,形成了結合政治終極社會形態和末世論式宗教目標的政治宗教觀,與不斷回溯、循環往復的個人時間感。通過對陳映真的研究,也得見台灣知識分子歷史經驗和精神歷程的一個側面。 Chen Yingzhen is often viewed as a dissenter in Taiwan’s history because of his leftwing political orientation and Chinese nationalist identity; however, despite his leftistviews, he remained a devoted Christian throughout his life. Nonetheless, theseemingly different ideologies of Christianity, which emphasizes the importance theFinal Judgement over the concerns of everyday life; Marxism, which emphasizesatheism; and Chinese nationalism, which emphasizes supremacy of the Chinesenational interest, achieved a state of logical self-consistency in Chen’s literary worksand personal life. Employing an intellectual history perspective, the present study is aclose reading of Chen’s literary works from across different writing periods in his life.Based on the concepts of a “Messiah” in theology and in philosophy of history, thisstudy analyzes how the different elements of the three ideologies that werecontradicting in nature were blended and sublated into a political-religious viewpointthat combined ideas regarding the ultimate forms of society and eschatologicalreligious goals with a constantly backtracking and circulating personal temporality.Through examining the work of Chen, this study brings further understanding of anaspect of the historical experiences and ideological transitions of Taiwaneseintellectuals.
起訖頁 121-141
關鍵詞 陳映真馬克思主義宗教時間個體時間「彌賽亞」Chen YingzhenMarxismreligious timepersonal timeMessiah
刊名 東吳中文研究集刊  
期數 201810 (24期)
出版單位 東吳中文研究所學會
該期刊-上一篇 精神分析視野下的《盛夏光年》
該期刊-下一篇 從文人出版商視角析論《三言》編寫策略——以蘇東坡人際圈故事為例




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