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Liao Ji’s Hermeneutics of The Great Learning: An Analysis Based on Daxue Guankui.
作者 彭醴璃
《大學管窺》為明儒廖紀精思《大學》古本數十年之成果,其對古本《大學》之思考、反省遠早於陽明之前,可視為明代古本《大學》的提倡者與實踐者,其刊本在陽明古本《大學》刊行後湮而不彰,然其回歸《大學》原本、探尋經典原義之功,卻不容抹滅。因此,本文以廖紀《大學管窺》為討論中心,首先介紹明代回歸古本《大學》之呼聲,以見前人之學術積累對廖記《大學管窺》的影響;而後分析《大學管窺》的義理說解,說明其如何回應《大學》文本闕文、錯簡等文本問題,以及如何藉《大學》原文修正前人之經解。《大學管窺》的義理說解極為平實,力求存真,故不如朱子、陽明之精彩,然其回歸原文,掃除前人成說,在宋學稱霸的明代,引入漢學立場,迥異於當時主流,已為明人跨出追尋經典真意的重要一步。 Daxue Guankui is Liao Ji’s works that ruminating about the real meanings of the GreatLearning. Liao Ji is the forerunner who use Old Edition of The Great Learning todiscuss the original meanings On the Great Learning. Even though his works are not asfamous as Wang Yang Ming’s, his contribution to the interpreters in the history ofConfucian hermeneutics is still important. That’s why the main ideal of this article is tostudy Liao Ji’s works in detail, to discuss more about the unique connotation of its. I’vedivided my article into three parts. I’m going to start with the rising of Old Edition ofThe Great Learning in the late Ming dynasty, the I’ll take about what Liao Ji think aboutthe real meanings of the Great Learning, and finally how he reshaping popularstereotype of The Great Learning by using the Old Edition of The Great Learning.
起訖頁 1-17
關鍵詞 廖紀大學管窺古本大學大學明代Liao JiDaxue GuankuiOld Edition of The Great LearningThe Great LearningMing Dynasty
刊名 東吳中文研究集刊  
期數 201810 (24期)
出版單位 東吳中文研究所學會
該期刊-下一篇 林正大櫽括詞探析




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