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Spotlights(Vol.49 No.3)
Spotlights(Vol.49 No.3)
Tseng Shu-hsien, Nordic Institute of Asian Studies (NIAS) Director Geir Helgesen, and the University of Copenhagen’s Cross-cultural and Regional Studies Department Chair Ingolf Thuesen signed a three-way agreement for Taiwan Resource Center for Chinese Studies(TRCCS) and held a ceremony marking the occasion. This is the first TRCCS in Denmark and northern Europe. Since starting the TRCCS project in 2012, this is the 27th center to be established. The University of Copenhagen (UC) was established in 1479, making it one of northern Europe’s oldest universities. It is also the largest education and research institution in Denmark, with abundant collections on Asian studies and Chinese studies. NIAS was established in 1968 and became an independent scholarly institution in 2005. Housed in UC’s Department of Political Science, its mission is to follow cultural and social changes in modern Asia and to promote cross-disciplinary studies on politics, economics, and business in Asia.
起訖頁 1-3
刊名 國家圖書館英文通訊  
期數 201808 (49:3期)
出版單位 國家圖書館
該期刊-下一篇 Events(Vol.49 No.3)




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