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A Study on Calligraphy Restoration of Wang Guo-Wei's Fan in National Central Library
作者 莊惠茹
本文以國圖館藏王國維扇面書法修復過程為討論核心,具體分析其修復過程、工序與方法,並援引古籍對書畫修復與裝潢的描述,就古書畫修復與裝裱的技藝傳承與發展進行討論。國圖所藏王國維扇面書法由王氏家人於1991年捐贈,經研究發現該幅作品為王氏1906年之手書作品,原為實際使用之摺扇,後於1960年左右在北臺灣被裝裱為條幅形式,裝裱技法明顯受日系工藝影響。該書法入館時條幅保存狀況已不佳,歷26年後全幅劣化嚴重,推測與早年裝裱時所採用之漿糊過濃且長時間保存環境不良有關。其劣化主要表現為皺折、破損與畫心、鑲料黃化與脆化。本案原擬在最小干預及可逆性修復的原則下,採整舊如舊及局部修復,然於揭裱時即發現鑲料的劣化遠比畫心更為嚴重,考量該條幅的裝裱目的在於保全畫心,且對原有裝裱技法可完全掌握,亦可取得與原裝裱材料性質、形制相同或相近者做為鑲料、花綾與掛繩,故在保全畫心為主要考量下,對畫心採揭裱修復,其餘原裝裱中選擇性留用足資使用的地杆、軸頭等材料,至於難以修復且修復後亦難提供畫心足夠支撐與保護之鑲料等,則僅供收存典藏而不再取用。本次修復由國圖特聘國寶級修復大師林茂生師傅主持,自2017年5月迄9月共歷時4個月時間完成修復,本館除全程記錄修復過程,並於文中對各項修復技法之操作原理進行描述。 This paper focuses on the process of restoration of calligraphy in the Wang Guo-Wei's fan, specifically analyzes its repair process, procedures and methods, and refers to the description of ancient paintings on the restoration and decoration of paintings, and discusses the inheritance and development of the restoration and decoration of ancient paintings. The calligraphy of Wang's fan was donated by the Wang family in 1991. After research, it was discovered that fan was a handwritten work of Wang's in 1906. It was originally used as a folding fan, and was later mounted in Northern Taiwan around 1960. The frame is in the form of a banner, and the mounting technique is obviously influenced by Japanese craftsmanship. The banner was not well preserved when it was donated to the library, and its full-scale deterioration was serious after 26 years. It was speculated that it was related to the thick paste used in the early years of decoration and the long-term preservation of the environment. The deterioration is mainly manifested as wrinkles, breakage and embrittlement. In this paper, there is a case study on Calligraphy Restoration of Wang Guo-Wei's Fan in the National Central Library, about the methods and principles of retaining the original mounting materials. It is involving with investigating the style and the technique of the traditional mounting, realizing the property of the original mounting materials, and the pretests before treatments and remounting. The investigations and the pretests of the appropriate repair methods for the case are the efforts to restoring the original mounting.
起訖頁 127-156
關鍵詞 國家圖書館王國維扇面書法書畫修復National Central LibraryWang Guo-WeiCalligraphy of FanRestoration of PaintingConservation
刊名 國家圖書館館刊  
期數 201806 (2018:1期)
出版單位 國家圖書館
該期刊-上一篇 讓閱讀無所不在--臺灣公共圖書館實體服務通路的翻轉




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