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Ungendered Narrative: A New Genre in the Making
Ungendered Narrative: A New Genre in the Making
作者 Khuman Bhagirath Jetubhai (Khuman Bhagirath Jetubhai)Madhumita Ghosal (Madhumita Ghosal)
This paper focuses on ungendered narrative with reference to select fictional works, to shed light on the elements that define the genre. One or more characters with an undisclosed gender are the focal point of the narrative. The paper discusses techniques that authors employ to keep gender hidden, such as employing inventive gender-neutral pronouns or not using them at all. First- and second-person points of view are also common modes of narration, as “I” and “you” are gender-neutral. In depicting characters, authors consciously merge masculine and feminine stereotypes to create gender-secretive characters. The heterosexual love interest that has hitherto ruled the creative world is thus replaced by endless gender possibilities with which a couple may identify. Love, rather than the characters’ gender, is at the forefront of these works. These narratives confront readers with the importance they assign to gender and their habit of pigeonholing certain behaviors, characteristics, and tendencies into a binary gender system. They force readers to question gender segregation and the consequences of choosing to defy the gender one is assigned at birth. Ultimately, these narratives ask whether gender matters in life.
起訖頁 271-293
關鍵詞 gendernarrativelanguagequeernon-binarygender-neutral pronounsgenreidentityreaders
刊名 同心圓:文學與文化研究  
期數 201809 (44:2期)
出版單位 國立臺灣師範大學英語學系
該期刊-上一篇 Song of Ariran and the Question of Translation
該期刊-下一篇 “Sindoan”: Dissident Memories of Modern Korean History in a Cinematic Revision of Korean Minjung Art




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