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A Study on the Initial Site and Location Implications of the Ceremony Palace Established in Qing Dynasty at Tainan
作者 張伯宇
清康熙五十年(1711),臺灣巡道陳璸(1656-1718)擇臺灣府邑郊永康里之地,初建萬壽亭,作為三大節的祝釐場所,今已不存。近年相關文籍或因古志記載萬壽亭南向且其前有德慶溪流經之說,遂界定德慶溪源北濱、現國立成功大學勝利校區一帶即該亭肇建地點。本文比對查考多幅清代輿圖,檢視梳理文書記載內容,歸納得出舊萬壽亭基址點位座落小東門、開元寺和大北門間的三角形地區內,近乎介於臺灣鎮標中營營盤和開元寺兩地一線之間,距離開元寺約莫當時的1里至2里路程,而鎮標中營營盤係在今成功大學光復校區。據此,本文重新推定萬壽亭舊址應在北區仁愛里西境之東豐路一帶,南距德慶溪源頭約1公里。此一推定範圍並得以由其空間使用的變遷脈絡、歷史環境的地理關連與位置敘寫的重新解讀等面向,獲得論證支持。萬壽亭選址除了可能反映地質環境條件的考量外,作為皇權象徵,使之得以與旁鄰高級軍事區相互生產臺島最高治權核心場域的空間意義,且因地界在府城中路防務上的戰略重要性,亦能和前述軍事區發生緊密連結,其區位意涵聯繫了清代郡治中自崁頂山至城西、從馬房山到德慶溪間之權力意象和軍事功能地景,此有助於理解並形塑今日當地文化資產空間的歷史脈絡價值。 The Ceremony Palace (萬壽亭) for celebrating the emperor's birthday, Chinese new year's day, and the winter solstice festival was established officially in the capital of Taiwan Prefecture, Tainan, in 1711. The palace is no longer in existence. The initial site of the Ceremony Palace was positioned on the present day Sheng-Li campus of National Cheng Kung University, in the upstream northern area of De-Ching River, according to the historical record that De-Ching river originates in front of the south side of the Ceremony Palace. In this study, the old Ceremony Palace is repositioned in the surrounding area of Dong-Fong Road in the western part of Ren-Ai village, about one kilometer from De-Ching River, based on analysis of ancient maps and texts produced in the Qing dynasty. This result can be supported by the context of spatial use change, geo-correlation of historical environment, and re-explanation of geographic description that are related to the new inferential site. Geological conditions may be one of the significant factors for the siting of the Ceremony Palace. Given its closeness to elite force bases, the symbolization of imperial power provided by palace was able to support the spatial significance of northern Taiwan Prefecture as main governance center with the high level military importance of the neighboring area. Moreover, the Ceremony Palace was closely linked to the military functional space mentioned above because of its defensive strategic importance. The location implications of the Ceremony Palace, regarding to the formation of governing and military landscape in northern Taiwan Prefecture in the Qing dynasty, helps us to understand and reconstruct the historical contextual value of the existing local cultural heritage.
起訖頁 393-446
關鍵詞 臺南萬壽亭德慶溪古輿圖區位意涵TainanCeremony PalaceDe-Ching RiverAncient MapsLocation Implications
刊名 臺大歷史學報  
期數 201806 (61期)
出版單位 國立臺灣大學出版中心
該期刊-上一篇 晚清臺灣的財政――劉銘傳財政改革的歷史制度分析
該期刊-下一篇 杜建錄,《党項西夏碑石整理研究》




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