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Compelling Categories, Shifting Identities: Social Media, Transnational Cultural Politics, and “T/Po/Bufen” Lesbian Identity Formation
作者 胡郁盈
「本文由酷兒人類學(queer anthropology)與跨國性向研究(transnational sexuality)理論視角出發,探討在台灣當代由社群網站與跨國文化政治作為主要物質與文化基礎的女同志社群中,「女同志」主體透過日益多元的性別少數認同範疇(identitycategory)來分類、理解、並命名自我非常規性別認同與情慾實踐的認同軌跡。本文首先回顧在台灣現代女同志運動中產生的「T婆/不分」文化階序,並提出「範疇政治」(politics of categorization)概念,指出在台灣解嚴之後國家民主化與現代化的過程中,西方與在地性別情慾知識交會,其所產生的文化權力關係如何影響相關認同範疇邊界的重新劃定,並導致主體排除與涵納機制的重構。本文聚焦研究者從「圈外」到「圈內」的民族誌參與觀察,指出當社群網站成為台灣年輕女同志的首要社交媒介時,「T婆」反而成為主導女同志自我認同與社群互動的認同範疇;然而,「T婆/不分」範疇政治所承載的意識形態論爭與認同邊界重構,卻也同時使得年輕女同志在認同型塑過程中必須經歷繁複的自我辯證,並持續的對應、趨近以及偏離「T婆」、「不分」、「女同志」、「跨性別」、「雙性戀」等等多元認同範疇。藉此,本文描繪在台灣現代國家形構、進步同志運動、在地情慾文化與社群網站興起的交會中,非常規性別主體認同範疇如何彼此創造並交錯形成一個龐大繁雜的象徵系統,不僅使其象徵與指認非常規性/別主體的表意能力日益趨向開放、混雜、與溢出,而「女同志」主體企圖認知與定位自我性別與情慾實踐的努力也成為一個不停流動、混雜而且永遠不會完成的過程,在西方LGBT認同政治全球化的濫觴中,創造出台灣在地獨特的性/別少數主體認同模式。 Enlightened by scholarship in queer anthropology and transnational sexuality, this article explores how younger generations of lesbians in contemporary Taiwan use the identity categories of “T”, “Po”, “bufen”, “nutongzhi”, “transgender”, “bisexual” etc. to conceptualize and categorize their genders and sexual desires under the condition of flourishing social media and transnational cultural politics. This article first reviews the cultural hierarchy between identity categories of “T/Po” and “bufen” developed in the modern Taiwanese lesbian movement. I proposes the concept of the “politics of categorization” to elucidate how power relations between global and local knowledges of gender and sexuality effect a redefinition of the boundary of T/Po identity categories and lead to a realignment of the mechanisms of subject inclusion and exclusion in the context of the building of Taiwan's modern, democratic, and sovereign nationhood. Through my ethnographic research, I delineate how the identity categories of T/Po dominate lesbians' identity formation and social interaction when the Internet becomes the principle social space in contemporary lesbian communities. However, the contested ideologies and the realignment of categorical boundaries also lead younger generation of lesbians to continuously approach and deviate from the above-mentioned identity categories, undergoing a journey of complex self-interrogation in the attempt to form an identity. Through this analysis, this article demonstrates how the encounter between a highly westernized Taiwanese tongzhi movement and local sexual culture produces a massive and complicated symbolic system of identity categories defined by uncertainty and fluidity. The efforts made by young lesbians to identify and position themselves in a heteronormative world are thus turned into a unique but endlessly hybridizing and fluctuating process, further complicating the impact of globalizing LGBT identity politics.
起訖頁 1-50
關鍵詞 社群網站跨國文化政治T婆/不分女同志認同型構酷兒人類學social mediatransnational cultural politicsT/Po/bufenlesbian identity formationqueer anthropology
刊名 臺灣人類學刊  
期數 201806 (16:1期)
出版單位 中央研究院民族學研究所
該期刊-下一篇 追求美貌與變成母親:台灣女性的一個兩難──以高文憑的都會女性為例




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