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嚴肅遊戲(Serious Game)平台與學習風格配適對學習成效影響之研究
The Effect of Serious Game Platform and Learning Style Fit on Learning Effectiveness
作者 連俊瑋許和莉許惠媚
過去研究,對於嚴肅遊戲成效的探討,存在不同見解,可能原因是未考量學習者個人特質差異。因此,本文主要的觀點為,嚴肅遊戲的成效,會受到學習者學習風格與學習平台配適與否影響。本研究採實驗法,針對不同「學習風格」受測者,搭配不同「學習平台(個人電腦、智慧型手機)」,瞭解兩者配適與否對學習成效的影響。179位受測者參與研究,結果指出:學習風格搭配適合的學習平台,會對學習成績產生顯著影響。其中,同化型與收斂型受測者,使用個人電腦網頁遊戲的學習成績顯著較高;在知覺有用性部分,則未達顯著差異。然而,不論那一種學習風格與平台,受測者均認為嚴肅遊戲能夠有效提升學習表現。此外,性別差異也存在調節效果。 Previous studies have different findings toward the effectiveness of serious game. This study suggests that individual characteristics difference may be one of the major reasons. Among personal characteristics, individual learning style serves as a key determinant. Therefore, the purpose of this study attempts to understand the effect of learning style and learning platform fit on the effectiveness of serious game. Experimental method is employed. Four learning styles, two learning platforms (PC and smartphone), and two learning effectiveness (exams, and perceived usefulness) variables were employed. Totally, 179 participants in our experiment. The results indicate that different learning effectiveness was caused by different learning styles with difference learning platforms. Assimilation and convergence participants have better testing grade when using PC online serious game. However, the perceived usefulness have no significant difference. This study also finds that regardless of which platform users’ perceived usefulness of serious game is relatively high. In other words, all participants perceive that both platforms can improve their learning performance. Finally, the moderating effect of gender difference also exists in the result.
起訖頁 217-248
關鍵詞 嚴肅遊戲學習風格學習平台學習成效智慧型手機Serious gamelearning stylelearning platformlearning effectivenesssmart phone
刊名 電子商務學報  
期數 201812 (20:2期)
出版單位 中華企業資源規劃學會
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