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Preliminary Exploration of Constructing a Fantasy Transmedia Story Network Using Narrative Strategies: Using the Story Network of the Harry Potter Series as an Example
作者 賴玉釵
本文剖析敘事者如何依互媒建構故事節點、文本群集,召喚潛在閱聽人參與《哈利波特》跨媒介網絡。敘事者可循潛在閱聽人跨媒介記憶,安置多平臺之故事地標,協助潛在閱聽人視點游移而融入網絡結構。敘事者引用奇幻經典而展現「跨媒介互文」,提供潛在閱聽人參照其他節點而融入第二世界。敘事者規劃奇幻經典之系列改編,參照多平臺之故事片段而填補間隙。敘事者補述奇幻經典而讓文本持續擴張及流動,異於傳統結構主義之靜態或封閉體系。 This study used the Harry Potter series to analyze the application of intermediality for constructing story nodes and textual constellations and for encouraging continual interaction from the implicit audience. In contrast to the static observation of traditional structuralism, the story network of the Harry Potter series constantly expands and flows. By tracing the implicit audience's transmedia memory, the narrator arranges multiplatform story landmarks to bring the audience into the network through their wandering perspectives. In addition, the narrator applies extra compositional intermediality and thereby invites the audience into the story network by referring to other literary works. Finally, in the Harry Potter series, network aesthetics are embodied through the occasional insertion of additional plotlines into the story network, which compels the implicit audience to travel between multiplatform story nodes and to compare episodes in order to fill the gaps.
起訖頁 133-183
關鍵詞 互媒奇幻類型故事網絡敘事策略跨媒介敘事intermedialityfantasy genrestory networknarrative strategytransmedia storytelling
刊名 新聞學研究  
期數 201810 (137期)
出版單位 國立政治大學新聞系
該期刊-上一篇 認同、黑道敘事與臺灣政客形象:港產電影的「臺灣政治」再現
該期刊-下一篇 在衝突與融合中蛻變的韓國智慧科技產業




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