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「失智」病症污名報導之流變:以 1951-2010《聯合報》檔案為例
The Evolution of Stigma Associated with ‘Dementia'in News Reports: An Analysis of United Daily News from 1951 to 2010
作者 羅彥傑
本文以臺灣《聯合報》失智病症相關報導為例,探討新聞媒體對失智症的各種污名建構,相關病名自20世紀後半期迄今六十年間如何在新聞報導出現、演變與流轉進而成為咒罵詞,而新聞報導又如何使用類似「癡呆」這樣的咒罵詞彙與負面語言脈絡,以及還有哪些新聞寫作常規強化失智(者)的污名。本文期盼透過描述、分析與詮釋失智污名的發展歷程,促成人們反思向來習焉不察的新興疾病病名之變化。 This study takes news reports in Taiwan from 1951 to 2010 as the sample and examines how these news reports as public discourse have constructed dementia's Chinese names and stigma. At first, “癡呆” was only a common expression, but then it developed into an illness name and even a curse word. Moreover, with special writing rules specific for journalism, these news reports reinforced dementia's negative stereotypes as a shameful and disgraceful illness. This study hopes to help people be more introspective toward the stigma of illnesses and diseases in society.
起訖頁 1-43
關鍵詞 失智癡呆污名新聞論述dementiastigmanewsdiscourse
刊名 新聞學研究  
期數 201810 (137期)
出版單位 國立政治大學新聞系
該期刊-下一篇 去除污名與自我培力:精神障礙者的社會對話行動




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