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Weather Change and Local Governance
作者 趙永茂
氣候變遷,全球暖化議題和京都議定書的生效,促使世界各國積極推行溫室氣體的減量,來降低全球暖化的趨勢及對環境的負荷,不僅許多國家,甚至是城市無不積極參與及推動減碳的工作,「節能減碳」行動的落實已逐漸成為全球的趨勢,因此「減碳」與「綠能」成為各國政府對抗全球暖化的主要方式。一般地方政府為了因應氣候變遷,在推動綠能與減碳政策時,除了需要運用府際關係及跨域管理的理論,進行政府間的政策合作網絡,運用地方有限的公共資源,共同推動綠能與減碳政策。但更重要的是,地方政府應該與民間的產業及社會組織合作,爭取民間資源,經由產業與社會專業的政策諮商及相關產業推動的合作,共同經營與管理相關綠能產業與公共事業;同時經由地方企業與社會的合作,爭取地方熱心義工與NGO組織的行動、捐助與配合,共同協力建構綠能與減碳的地方社會。 Weather change, global warming and execution of the Kyoto Protocol have pushed countries devoted to reduce greenhouse gas to lower global warming and environmental burden. Not only countries but also cities participate in carbon reduction actions. Carbon reduction and energy saving works have been adopted by countries in the world. Carbon reduction and the use of green energy have become a major way for many governments to fight against global warming. In responding to global warming, local governments need to use theories such as inter-governmental relationship and cross-boundary management to implement governmental policy cooperation network in which the green energy and carbon reduction policies are exercised with the limited local resources. However, local governments should cooperate with private sector and social organizations, use social resources to manage green energy and public infrastructure by the cooperation between industries and professionals. By the local governments’ cooperation with local industry and society to attract NGOs and volunteers’ participation, a local society with green energy and carbon reduction works will be created.
起訖頁 49-66
關鍵詞 氣候變遷減碳政策地方治理公私協力網絡Weather ChangeCarbon Reduction PolicyLocal GovernancePublic-Private Cooperation Network
刊名 止善  
期數 201806 (24期)
出版單位 朝陽科技大學通識教育中心
該期刊-上一篇 臺閩間的明清古船――臺灣海峽史之一
該期刊-下一篇 民小學教師教學信念取向的對立及其影響因素




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