中文摘要 |
Since Clarence N. Stone's study on the transformation of the governing regimes of postwar Atlanta, regime politics has been considered one of the major theories with the potential to integrate the various nuances of urban phenomena. However, many scholars, including Stone himself, have expressed their dissatisfaction with the dearth of theorization in the literature o f regime politics up to this point. The aim of this paper is to continue Stone's work by constructing for it an exploratory theoretical framework. To do so, this paper distills from Stone's original work a more concrete theoretical hypothesis about the extent of policy integration and the types of urban regimes. Essentially, I argue that Atlanta's postwar governing elite formed consensual, cohesive coalitions because they chose large-scale and highly complementary development programs. These elite collectively bore great insecurities. Then, by extending that line of argument to the political economies of three stylized regime politics (consensual/corporatist, confrontational/progressives, and machine politics), this paper develops an exploratory theory for the formation of urban regimes. Such a theory is based on a two-tiered methodology. The aforesaid theoretical hypothesis is the basic and homothetic tier, which allows the possibility for further generalizations. The second is the heuristic tier, which accommodates idiosyncratic and dynamic factors of regime formation. Such a methodology emulates Emile Durkheim's study on suicide and allows for more effective theory building. Finally, the theoretical and empirical implications of the above theory are discussed.
此假設主張,亞特蘭大戰後的治理菁英之所以能夠形成具共識、有凝聚力治理聯盟主要乃因他們選擇大規模且高度整合的發展政策,並因此而承受很高的集體不安全感之故。本文接下來將根據此一假設檢視三種在美國城市治理文獻中常被提及,相當流行且標準化的城市體制,亦即共識型、對抗型及派系型體制,並針對城市的形成歸納出一個在方法論上具有兩層次的理論架構。此一理論架構乃以前述的理論假設做為基礎,作為理解三種不同城市體制的一般性理論,具同質性以及可再後續一般化的特性。第二的層次則是屬於異質性的分析,容許針對個別城市體制類型的形成提出殊異且動態的闡釋。這樣的理論仿效涂爾幹的自殺論,在理論的建構上比較有效。最後,本文也將針對上述的理論與實證分析加以延伸討論。 |