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Women Consumer Rights and Protection Strategies: A “Cross-Sector Governance” Perspective
作者 陳秋政劉奕宏
民眾消費商品或服務時,可能因為性別差異有不同的消費需求或習慣,進而衍生不同類型的消費爭議。本文以女性消費族群為例,採用文獻分析法、焦點團體座談法、深度訪談法、德菲問卷調查法,探討女性常見消費問題與保障策略。文獻分析成果指出,性別主流化儼然成為國際上女性消費保護運動的主流。惟對照國內消費保護統計資料後,發現性別統計資料較為不足。本文聚焦於釐清當前我國女性遭遇的主要消費問題,並在專家意見的交換與共識基礎之上,歸納相應的保障策略建議,供作後續研究與權責機關擬定政策之參考。研究發現女性消費族群常見的消費問題,主要集中在「成衣服飾、精品珠寶、化粧保養」等三類商品,以及「瘦身減重、醫療整形、美容美髮」等三類服務。此外,本文歸納台灣女性消費權益受損狀況主要出現在四類消費權利,而影響女性消費決策的主要因素則有六點。面對前述問題與影響因素,本文綜整各類研究方法所得見解,在跨部門比較基礎之上,提出七項女性消費權益保障的策略建議,供作實務界擬定政策之參考。 Due to gender difference, people may have different consumption needs or habits when consuming products or services, which further leads to various types of consumption issues. By targeting on female consumer group, this study aims to discuss the common women consumption problems and protection strategies through document analysis, focus group interview, in-depth interview and Delphi questionnaire. The result of the document analysis indicates that the gender mainstreaming has become the major trend of the protection of women’s consumption internationally. After comparing to the statistic of national consumption protection data, it is found that the gender information is less sufficient. This study focuses on the clarification of the main consumption issues that women currently face in Taiwan. Based on the professional advices and common consensus, this study addresses the protection strategies and recommendations as references for future studies and the competent authority.The finding of this research shows that the consumption issues of the female consumers mainly concentrate on three product categories including “apparel and accessories, luxury goods and jewelry, & skin care products”, and three services such as “weight loss, plastic surgery, & beauty and hair”. Besides, this study concludes that the violation of Taiwan women’s consumption rights is mainly related to four types of consumption rights. However, there are 6 major factors that influence women’s decision making on consumption. According to the above mentioned issues and factors, this study proposes 7 protection strategies for improving women consumer right.
起訖頁 1-24
關鍵詞 跨部門治理消費者保護女性消費者消費權益保障策略非營利組織cross-sector governanceconsumer protectionwomenconsumerconsumer rightsprotection strategiesnon-profit organization
刊名 公共事務評論  
期數 201807 (17:2期)
出版單位 中華公共事務管理學會
該期刊-下一篇 本土化電信詐欺犯罪利益及風險之實證研究




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