中文摘要 |
產科是醫療糾紛發生頻率極高的科別。為了避免醫療糾紛,醫師不願提供婦女更多元的生產選擇。共享決策(Sharing decision-making, SDM)是以病人為中心的照護模式,支持病人做各種健康的選擇,是兼具知識、溝通和尊重三元素的最佳照護模式。經由共享決策(SDM)照護模式,不僅可以改善產科緊張的醫病關係,也可以提供孕婦較滿意且高品質的照護。
Obstetrics accounts for a large proportion of medical disputes. To avoid medical disputes, obstetricians are reluctant to provide women with various birth choices. Sharing decision-making (SDM) is a model of patient-centred care that helps patients to make various health choices. SDM is an effective care model that combines knowledge, communication, and respect. The SDM model can improve the relationship between doctors and patients and provide pregnant women with satisfactory and high-quality care. |