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How does Financial Reporting Quality Relate to Self-Regulatory Enforcement? An Examination of the Role of the Stock Exchange
作者 鍾宇軒邱安安黃劭彥
It is the first defensive line that regulatory enforcement by the stock exchange plays the monitoring role in supervising listed companies. This study, thus, investigates the association between stock exchange self-regulatory enforcement and firms' financial reporting quality. The study is conducted by using the sanction and penalty pronouncements regarding supervision of listed companies in the Shenzhen Stock Exchange of China. The results find that the likelihood of sanctions by the stock exchange would increase for firms with the lower reporting quality in the previous year. In addition, the sanctioned firms will improve the accruals quality of its financial reports in the next year. 證券交易所的監管執法為對上市公司監督之第一道防線,本文乃透過中國深圳交易所的誠信檔案中對於上市公司監管的處罰與處分公告,探討證券交易所自律監管與企業財務報導品質之關聯性。實證結果發現企業前一年度的較低財務報導品質容易影響增加證券交易所紀律處分的可能性。再者,當企業受到證券交易所的紀律處分後,將會於後續次一年度即改善企業的財務報導品質。
起訖頁 175-211
關鍵詞 證券交易所自律監管執法財務報導品質stock exchangeself-regulatory enforcementfinancial reporting qualit
刊名 當代會計  
期數 201811 (19:2期)
出版單位 淡江大學會計學系
該期刊-上一篇 金融業設置審計委員會之必要性?兼論審計委員會之特性影響
該期刊-下一篇 企業多角化對財稅差異之影響




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