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Establishing a Monitoring System for the National Pension Supervision System
作者 陳琇惠
國民年金保險,為臺灣第一個實施基礎年金保障的制度,也是國際上少有,專以針對未就業者弱勢人口為對象,提供基本經濟安全保障的制度,由於該制度的實施,讓臺灣逐步完成「全民皆有年金」的目標,因此,具有高度指標意義。如何確保國民年金保險制度之穩健運用,運用指標形成監測機制,至為重要。為建立有效的監測機制,本文將以層級式思考邏輯為模式架構,透過專家問卷調查,運用層級程序分析法,建立國民年金保險監理指標權重值,及探討指標間相對重要性,進而對國民年金保險監測機制,提出研究建議,以供政策參考運用。 The National Pension Insurance System, the first basic pension scheme in Taiwan, aims to provide basic economic security for unemployed and vulnerable groups. The goal of ‘Pension for All' was achieved through this scheme. The effectiveness of implementation is therefore significant, and devising an indicator-based monitoring system becomes a precondition to ensure the sustainability of the national pension system. This article attempts to construct indicators of the National Pension Supervision by exploring the dimensions of finance and business balancing, short-term risk alerts, and longterm quality enhancements by meeting experts and conducting elite survey. Furthermore, the analytic hierarchy process and expert survey are used to analyze weights and the relative importance of these indicators. Finally, policy recommendations about the National Pension Supervision system are also proposed.
起訖頁 33-70
關鍵詞 國民年金保險國民年金保險監理制度監理指標層級程序分析法National Pension Insurance SystemNational Pension SupervisionSupervisory IndicatorsAnalytic Hierarchy Process
刊名 台灣社會福利學刊  
期數 201812 (14:2期)
出版單位 台灣社會福利學會
該期刊-上一篇 台灣第三部門學會、1095文史工作室與台灣社會福利學會舉辦2018年「移工、政策與公民社會」論壇活動紀實
該期刊-下一篇 以組織氣候中介跨專業職能認知與工作滿足感關係之初探性研究:以衛生福利中高階人員為例




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