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Eliminating Employment Obstacles for Female Victims of Domestic Violence: A Study of Semi-Workplace Support Services
作者 詹子晴韓意慈
家庭暴力之受暴經驗對於婦女再就業有著嚴重的不良影響。本研究的目的是探討:準備性就業方案如何協助婦女逐漸脫離受暴經驗後的不良影響,並一步步穩定就業的過程。透過質性研究,針對勵馨基金會的準備性婦女就業培力計畫,訪談四位曾參與準備性職場之受暴婦女,及方案執行者三位(包含一位就業社工及兩位督導),以深入瞭解方案執行之過程,及受暴婦女與服務提供者的主觀經驗為何。研究結果發現,透過此方案之資源連結,就業社工得以依據婦女的狀況連結服務資源,包含職能治療師、婦保社工、居住資源等。另外,藉由準職場的工作環境,就業社工長期了解婦女就業困境,並共同討論就業議題,婦女彼此間也可以相互給予支持,形成心理上的重要資源。最後,探討執行面的挑戰與目前的因應方式,並針對受暴婦女就業服務提出建議。 Experiences of domestic violence negatively affect female victims interms of their re-entry into the job market. This study explored how semiworkplacesupport services assist female victims to reduce the negativeinfluences of trauma on the work and personal lives of female staff. Thisqualitative study focused on a semi-workplace program at the Garden ofHope Foundation by conducting 7 in-depth interviews. In total, 4 femalevictims, 2 supervisors, and 1 social worker asked interviewed regardingthe program implementation process and their subjective experiences. Theresults demonstrated that in terms of resource connections, social workerscould help clients in occupational, judicial social, and inhabitation services.Semi-workplace services provided clients with both a longer amount of timeto consult social workers regarding various employment difficulties and anenvironment where clients could help and support one another. Finally, thecurrent challenges and implications on related policies were discussed.
起訖頁 111-153
關鍵詞 家庭暴力婦女二度就業準備性就業服務社會企業非營利組織Domestic violenceEmployment difficultiesSemi-workplace Support projectSocial enterpriseNonprofit organizations
刊名 台灣社會福利學刊  
期數 201806 (14:1期)
出版單位 台灣社會福利學會
該期刊-上一篇 原住民部落文化健康站的現況與反思:以大安溪泰雅部落為例




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