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Applying an Assets-based Community Development Approach for Sustainable Community Development: A Case Study in Lac Village, Hoa Binh Province, Vietnam
作者 陳氏碧玉吳明儒 (Ming-Ju Wu)蔡政良
Sustainable development has become a top concern for humanity. InVietnam, it has become an integral component of plans for economic growthand social development. However, the discrepancy between urban and ruralareas, stemming from a booming economy, has exacerbated the povertysituation in underprivileged areas, thus delaying sustainability strategydevelopment.This paper investigates the asset-based community development (ABCD)approach and its mode of application in community-based tourism (CBT),along with its influence on developmental sustainability amid the povertyin Lac village, Hoa Binh province, Vietnam. After comprehensive literaturereview, in-depth interview of 5 respondents, and systematic data analysis,the results demonstrated that ABCD had a significant impact on sustainablecommunity development in Vietnam. Similarly, CBT is considered herein asuccessful practice aimed at promoting community sustainable developmentand poverty alleviation. CBT is the catalyst for local empowerment andeffective resource mobilization; thus, it has been applied in many communitiesin Vietnam. 永續發展已成為人類最關心的問題。越南的經濟成長和社會發展方面已經深厚紮實。然而,由於經濟的快速發展造成城鄉差距的加大,更凸顯了貧困地區的貧窮問題,也開啟了強調永續發展並行的實務策略的追求。本文考察了應用社區旅遊之資產為基礎社區發展模式對Lac社區貧窮狀況的影響,透過廣泛的文獻分析與深度訪談和實地觀察。研究結果表明資產為基礎之社區發展模式已經對越南的社區發展產生了重大影響。相應地,社區旅遊被認為是促進社區永續發展和脫貧的成功實踐。社區旅遊亦已被公認為社區充權和有效資源連結的策略,並在越南許多社區充分的推廣。
起訖頁 1-62
關鍵詞 永續發展資產為基礎之社區發展(ABCD)社區生態旅遊Sustainable developmentAsset-based community developmentCommunity-based tourism
刊名 台灣社會福利學刊  
期數 201806 (14:1期)
出版單位 台灣社會福利學會
該期刊-下一篇 原住民部落文化健康站的現況與反思:以大安溪泰雅部落為例




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