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Hotelling's Spatial Competition Model and Location Choice in Government-Led Industrial District: the Case Study of Tainan Technology Industrial Park
作者 柯伯煦
政府主導開發及租售工業區,一直是我國落實產業政策與經濟發展的重要執行工具。然而,這個執行方式在台南地區的實踐並不十分成功。以致,政府因租售不佳而不斷補貼地價的策略,是否具有成效,需要進一步討論。本研究運用Hotelling模型的觀點,探討企業面對空間競爭與區位選址時,是否會影響其進駐政府編定工業區的決策。本研究認為,政府的租售策略確實會影響企業為了優先營運而進駐於工業區,但競爭對手的區位選擇及其顧客的區位偏好,則也會影響企業是否進駐工業區的決策。本研究以台南科技工業區為案例,運用六家企業樣本進行問卷訪談,基於深入探討企業家的決策模式而採取質性研究的方式。研究結果顯示,政府運用在台南科技工業區租售及挑選贏家的策略,過去以來忽略了台南地區企業面臨空間競爭環境的複雜性,例如生產上的高精密、客製化與交貨能力,而不僅是高科技特性。台南科技工業區雖可為企業優先營運提供良好生產環境,但是,企業改變區位選址的關鍵因素,乃在於新舊顧客的轉換與其企業是否擴大生產規模。一旦顧客要求企業改善生產環境與執行準時交貨,顧客的嚴格要求往往影響區外企業的營運決策,激勵企業組織演化及變異,發展新的營運規模來回應顧客需求,這個由顧客需求而延伸的產業聚集,使工業區成為企業變革的最適當區位。這些新的討論與Hotelling模型的觀點,對於補充台南科技工業區的租售策略具有重要的參考價值。 Traditionally, government-dominated developments, sales and lets of industrial park have been the backbone of industrial policy and economic development in Taiwan. This model, however, is rather unsuccessful in Tainan and thus needs further refinements. Therefore this paper adopts Hotelling's spatial competition model to analyze decisions of businesses to move into government-led industrial park (Tainan Technology Industrial Park, TTIP) in terms of ”spatial competition” and ”locations”. For knowing these crucial factors, this paper uses qualitative research by in-depth interviewing of six firms located in the TTIP. Results show that traditional methods of selling and letting industrial lands, which focus on subsidizing prices of sales lets of industrial lands have understated other key factors crucial to entrepreneurs' decisions on moving into government-led industrial park such as competitors' location and clients' preferences on location. Government-driven industrial park nonetheless does have an important role for firms to upgrade their business level. However, the pressure from competing for new clients and the requests from clients such as improving manufacturing environment and on-time delivery significantly is an important factor to drive companies into TTIP. Furthermore, this driving force indirectly shapes an industrial cluster and becomes a non-price competitive advantage for TTIP. These insights from Hotelling's model and findings in this paper might significantly improve efficiency of current sales and lets of industrial lands in the TTIP.
Traditionally, government-dominated developments, sales and lets of industrial park have been the backbone of industrial policy and economic development in Taiwan. This model, however, is rather unsuccessful in Tainan and thus needs further refinements. Therefore this paper adopts Hotelling's spatial competition model to analyze decisions of businesses to move into government-led industrial park (Tainan Technology Industrial Park, TTIP) in terms of ”spatial competition” and ”locations”. For knowing these crucial factors, this paper uses qualitative research by in-depth interviewing of six firms located in the TTIP. Results show that traditional methods of selling and letting industrial lands, which focus on subsidizing prices of sales lets of industrial lands have understated other key factors crucial to entrepreneurs' decisions on moving into government-led industrial park such as competitors' location and clients' preferences on location. Government-driven industrial park nonetheless does have an important role for firms to upgrade their business level. However, the pressure from competing for new clients and the requests from clients such as improving manufacturing environment and on-time delivery significantly is an important factor to drive companies into TTIP. Furthermore, this driving force indirectly shapes an industrial cluster and becomes a non-price competitive advantage for TTIP. These insights from Hotelling's model and findings in this paper might significantly improve efficiency of current sales and lets of industrial lands in the TTIP.
起訖頁 1-35
刊名 土地經濟年刊  
期數 201207 (23期)
出版單位 中國地政研究所
該期刊-下一篇 「米糖為中心」之台灣農地利用探討(1901-1942)




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