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The Environmental Management and Strategies in Refectory Public Common Domain: Property Rights Perspective
作者 柯伯煦
本論文研究環境公共領域之財產權的分散與整合,被納入企業的內部分工,引起不同管理策略及對消費者行為決策造成影響。本文認為環境管理的經營權整合,有助於企業發展新的管理策略,將消費者清理的勞務分工納入管理策略中,使得財產權界定不清而落入環境公共領域之利益,重新分配也改善環境品質。本文以大學校園餐廳的環境管理為案例,採取質性分析的個案研究途徑,結合參與式觀察法、問卷調查法及訪談法,實證研究顯示:(1)校園餐廳的完全外包,使企業能整合環境管理的經營權,激勵企業新的投資及改善環境條件,也誘導消費者行為決策改變,多數人會重視環境品質的維護;(2)企業基於生存獲利,發展新的環境管理策略,納入消費者的勞務分工也促進良好環境品質的維繫;(3)企業的管理策略,具有傳遞新訊息的作用,強化了消費者在個體與群體之間的互動,引起多數消費者採取互惠合作的行為決策,進而反應在餐廳環境品質的改善。 This paper aims to discuss how different arrangements of property rights change consumers’behaviours and decision. This paper argues that the integration of property rights will strengtheren an enterprise’s incentives to develop a new strategy, which manages consumers to be part of the plan of environment maintence and improve environmental quality. This study uses refectory in a university as an example and applied participant observation and questionnaire survey as methods to investigate how rearrangement of property rights in the refectory public domain determines diners’ environmental protection behaviors and environmental quality. Results show that firstly, the comprehensive contract out design led contractor had more integrated property rights, which strengtherened the contractor’s incentive to invest more resources to improve the environment and also tried to change consumers’ behaviours. Secondly, the enterprise driven by seeking profits also tried to educate consumers to be part of the plan in inproving environmental quality. The enterprise’s management strategies therefore focused on stimulating the interaction among consumers and maintaining the atomosphere of mutual-benefit in the refectory public domain by keep providing new information, which improved the environment quality dramatically.
This paper aims to discuss how different arrangements of property rights change consumers’behaviours and decision. This paper argues that the integration of property rights will strengtheren an enterprise’s incentives to develop a new strategy, which manages consumers to be part of the plan of environment maintence and improve environmental quality. This study uses refectory in a university as an example and applied participant observation and questionnaire survey as methods to investigate how rearrangement of property rights in the refectory public domain determines diners’ environmental protection behaviors and environmental quality. Results show that firstly, the comprehensive contract out design led contractor had more integrated property rights, which strengtherened the contractor’s incentive to invest more resources to improve the environment and also tried to change consumers’ behaviours. Secondly, the enterprise driven by seeking profits also tried to educate consumers to be part of the plan in inproving environmental quality. The enterprise’s management strategies therefore focused on stimulating the interaction among consumers and maintaining the atomosphere of mutual-benefit in the refectory public domain by keep providing new information, which improved the environment quality dramatically.
起訖頁 241-271
刊名 土地經濟年刊  
期數 201107 (22期)
出版單位 中國地政研究所
該期刊-上一篇 日治時期臺灣租佃制度之探討──由「贌耕權」到「三七五減租條例」




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