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Interaction Analysis among Industrial Parks, Innovation Input, and Urban Production Efficiency: A Case Study of Cities in China
作者 王冠斐
中國產業園區(工業園區與高新科技開發區)的開發政策採取依托城市設置的方式,即是希望達成都市化帶動工業化的目的,為瞭解此種政策的成效,本文將城市與園區視為經濟產出空間單元,通過在特定空間投入各種生產要素供給相應產出之多投入多產出的特性,探討城市及產業園區生產效率以及彼此間的影響情形;另外,由於創新是影響效率的重要因素,本文同時加入創新投入的觀念,一併探討創新投入對城市和園區生產效率的影響。結果發現,大城市不如一般預期具有生產效率,小城市也非一定沒有效率;高新科技技術開發區的生產效率亦有同樣的情形;其關鍵在於生產效率的計算同時考慮投入面和產出面,導致城市及園區因規模太大而產生規模報酬遞減甚至生產無效率的情形。設立高新科技開發區會影響城市生產效率但程度不高,工業園區設立對城市生產效率的影響則無法證實,顯示影響城市生產效率還有其他因素;而創新投入確實有助於生產效率的提升。由於本文係利用投入面進行測試;當生產屬於規模報酬遞增時,表示生產要素投入不足,在政策上應加強生產要素的投資;如果屬於規模報酬遞減,表示生產要素投入過多,在政策上對於生產要素的投入就應該謹慎評估。 The high-tech development zones engendered by industrial parks reflect policies that rely on city settings to create industrialization through urbanization in China. To understand the effectiveness of such policies, this article regards the city and park as the spatial unit of economic output. The production efficiency of the city and industrial park and their mutual impact are explored through the input of various production elements in a specific space. In addition, as innovation is an important factor affecting efficiency, this investigation explores the overall impact of innovation input on the production efficiency of city and park. The results show that production efficiency realized for large cities has not been as high as was generally expected and that small cities showed modest efficiency gains. Critically, the calculation of production efficiency in this study simultaneously accounts for both input and output, revealing the decreasing returns-to-scale and, in some cases, the production inefficiencies that can be caused by the excessively large scale of the city and park. The high-tech industrial development zone will not greatly affect the production efficiency of the city. However, the precise degree of the park’s impact on the production efficiency of the city cannot be verified. This indicates the presence of other factors that will affect the production efficiency of the city; and innovation input does enhance production efficiency. This investigation uses input for testing. When production yields increasing returns-to-scale, it indicates insufficient input of production elements, and policies encouraging investment of production elements should be strengthened..Production shows decreasing returns-to-scale is connected to excessive input of production elements, and policies governing the input of production elements should be carefully assessed.
The high-tech development zones engendered by industrial parks reflect policies that rely on city settings to create industrialization through urbanization in China. To understand the effectiveness of such policies, this article regards the city and park as the spatial unit of economic output. The production efficiency of the city and industrial park and their mutual impact are explored through the input of various production elements in a specific space. In addition, as innovation is an important factor affecting efficiency, this investigation explores the overall impact of innovation input on the production efficiency of city and park. The results show that production efficiency realized for large cities has not been as high as was generally expected and that small cities showed modest efficiency gains. Critically, the calculation of production efficiency in this study simultaneously accounts for both input and output, revealing the decreasing returns-to-scale and, in some cases, the production inefficiencies that can be caused by the excessively large scale of the city and park. The high-tech industrial development zone will not greatly affect the production efficiency of the city. However, the precise degree of the park’s impact on the production efficiency of the city cannot be verified. This indicates the presence of other factors that will affect the production efficiency of the city; and innovation input does enhance production efficiency. This investigation uses input for testing. When production yields increasing returns-to-scale, it indicates insufficient input of production elements, and policies encouraging investment of production elements should be strengthened..Production shows decreasing returns-to-scale is connected to excessive input of production elements, and policies governing the input of production elements should be carefully assessed.
起訖頁 1-37
刊名 土地經濟年刊  
期數 201107 (22期)
出版單位 中國地政研究所
該期刊-下一篇 企業集團投資母國與地主國區位之研究




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