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Apply Policy Support System Method to Establish Strategy System of Transit-Oriented Development for Taipei City
作者 李家儂
土地使用與交通運輸在都市模式中,具有密切的相互影響關係,形塑出不同的都市模式,也產生不同的衝擊,其中汽車導向發展(AOD)與大眾運輸導向發展(TOD)為當今全球之主要都市模式型態,然而各大都市要如何演變出適宜的TOD都市模式,尚需一套整體面、系統化的TOD都市發展機制,據此,本文以台北市為例,應用政策支援系統建構都市模式發展機制,該機制具有模式分類模型、發展目標、發展策略與監控指標,而形成有系統的「TOD都市模式發展機制」。 Automobile-oriented development (AOD) and transit-oriented development(TOD) are the major kinds of urban form which is shaped by integration oftransport and land use. In recent years, a number of studies indicated that TOD isa good way to replace AOD because of unsustainable urban form of AOD.Therefore, many cities intend to change their urban form to TOD. The mostimportant study is designed to establish the strategy system of TOD. AOD will beinduced to TOD beneficially and effectively by this system. In Taiwan, manycities also attempt to transfer from AOD to TOD but there is no strategy systemof TOD established for Taiwan till now. Hence, this paper aims to build thestrategy system of TOD for Taipei City by using policy support system. Thissystem can be applied to monitor the change of urban form of Taipei City in aTOD-effective way.
Automobile-oriented development (AOD) and transit-oriented development(TOD) are the major kinds of urban form which is shaped by integration oftransport and land use. In recent years, a number of studies indicated that TOD isa good way to replace AOD because of unsustainable urban form of AOD.Therefore, many cities intend to change their urban form to TOD. The mostimportant study is designed to establish the strategy system of TOD. AOD will beinduced to TOD beneficially and effectively by this system. In Taiwan, manycities also attempt to transfer from AOD to TOD but there is no strategy systemof TOD established for Taiwan till now. Hence, this paper aims to build thestrategy system of TOD for Taipei City by using policy support system. Thissystem can be applied to monitor the change of urban form of Taipei City in aTOD-effective way.
起訖頁 35-61
刊名 土地經濟年刊  
期數 200907 (20期)
出版單位 中國地政研究所
該期刊-上一篇 從不動產估價契約法律性質論估價師之民事責任
該期刊-下一篇 不動產估價人員系統行為偏誤檢驗--以市場比較法為例




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