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作者 朱展毅許晉嘉游豐銘蔡季欣蘇惠璋
內政部國土測繪中心(以下簡稱國土測繪中心)掌管全臺灣各縣市之地籍圖冊,目前大部分以紙本的形式存管,不僅年代久遠保存不易,且數量繁多管理費時,為解決上述問題,近年來國土測繪中心致力於推動典藏圖籍自動化管理作業,利用數位典藏技術及引進RFID 技術兩種方式辦理。數位典藏技術係利用掃描儀辦理圖籍掃描,使圖籍能以數位化形式保存;自動化管理則結合無線射頻辨識(Radio Frequency Identification,RFID)技術之應用,使用者可透過讀取器(Reader)快速清點與抽查現有圖冊,掌握圖庫內圖籍之存管情形。最後本作業結合數位典藏與自動化管理之應用,達到典藏圖籍自動化管理。 National Land Surveying and Mapping Center (NLSC), Ministry of the Interior, manages the cadastral maps which most of them are still in paper forms all over Taiwan.These cadastral maps are not only hard to preserve but also hard to manage due to their hugequantities. In order to solve such problems, during the last few years NLSC has made a lot ofefforts in automation of digital documents management which includes not only providingdigital archive, but also integrating the technique of Radio Frequency Identification (RFID).In the task of digital archive, we use scanners to digitize the cadastral maps , while RFID isapplied to identify users and enhance system security in the task of automatic management.Therefore, user can use RFID reader to check if the cadastral maps are in library or not.Finally, the results can be a useful reference for constructing new-generation digital archiveand automatic management systems.
National Land Surveying and Mapping Center (NLSC), Ministry of the Interior,manages the cadastral maps which most of them are still in paper forms all over Taiwan.These cadastral maps are not only hard to preserve but also hard to manage due to their hugequantities. In order to solve such problems, during the last few years NLSC has made a lot ofefforts in automation of digital documents management which includes not only providingdigital archive, but also integrating the technique of Radio Frequency Identification (RFID).In the task of digital archive, we use scanners to digitize the cadastral maps , while RFID isapplied to identify users and enhance system security in the task of automatic management.Therefore, user can use RFID reader to check if the cadastral maps are in library or not.Finally, the results can be a useful reference for constructing new-generation digital archiveand automatic management systems.
起訖頁 26-37
刊名 地籍測量  
期數 201509 (34:3期)
出版單位 中華民國地籍測量學會
該期刊-上一篇 有幾個三角形?
該期刊-下一篇 新北市汐止地政事務所為民服務簡介




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